June 28, 2013
Faba bean growers in Western Australia can now access another chemical option for the control of rust in their crops.
Pulse Australia and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) advise that tebuconazole fungicide can be used for rust management in faba and broad bean crops in all states, following approval by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority of Pulse Australia’s application for a new permit for tebuconazole use.
Pulse Australia industry development manager (WA), Alan Meldrum, said the permit had been granted as a result of residue studies and trial work conducted through the GRDC-funded ‘registration for minor use chemicals for the grains industry’ project.
This GRDC project aims to improve the number of pest and disease management options available to growers of minor grains and oilseed crops, ensuring that growers have access to a variety of sustainable pest and disease management tools that aid long-term competitiveness and are cost effective.
Mr Meldrum said tebuconazole had previously been approved for application early in the crop cycle to control the fungal disease cercospora, but now it could also be applied later in the season to control both cercospora and rust.
“Rust in faba and broad beans has been more prevalent in recent years, particularly in southern Australia,” Mr Meldrum said.
“Rust has the potential to reduce seed size and, if not controlled, could cause a reduction in yield of 30 to 40 per cent.
“While other products are available to control rust, having another option means growers can choose a cheaper product and are able to rotate fungicide groups to avoid resistance developing to a particular chemical group.”
The new permit for tebuconazole has been issued as PER13752, and applies from May 31, 2013, until June 30, 2016. A copy is available from the APVMA website, The previous permit (PER12657), which included a three-day withholding period, has been surrendered and is no longer current.
Mr Meldrum advised that significant changes are to be observed with the new permit, including that of longer withholding periods – 21 days for harvest and 14 days for grazing. More information is available from Pulse Australia, via