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USA - BASF launches Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide as part of the Intrinsic brand fungicide family

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
June 3, 2013

BASF today announced the launch of Empress™ Intrinsic­™ brand fungicide, an effective drench fungicide for soil-borne diseases with added plant health benefits. The product is the second fungicide brought to the professional ornamentals market labeled for disease control and plant health.

Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide , with active ingredient pyraclostrobin, provides protection against four root and crown disease pathogens – fusarium, phytophthora, pythium, and rhizoctonia. Additionally, research shows Intrinsic™ brand fungicides control disease and give plants resilience to stresses that can occur during production.

“The consistent performance of Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide gives nursery and greenhouse growers outstanding control of soil-borne diseases,” said Kathie Kalmowitz, Market Development Specialist, BASF. “When used during transplant, and at propagation for rooted plugs and seedlings or rooted cuttings, the plant health benefits of Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide include increased growth efficiency through stronger and enhanced root growth, as well as improved stress tolerance.”

Labeled use sites for Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide include greenhouses, lathhouses and shadehouses, interiorscapes, outdoor nurseries (field and container), and retail nurseries.

For more information, visit IntrinsicPlantHealth.com or BetterPlants.basf.us.

Empress and Intrinsic are trademarks of BASF.


More solutions from:
    . BASF Crop Protection USA
    . BASF Agricultural Solutions

Website: http://agproducts.basf.us/

Published: June 6, 2013











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