Syngenta insecticide offers dual-action insect control for soybeans, among other crops
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
April 22, 2013
- Besiege insecticide added to the Syngenta soybean, sunflower and canola product portfolio
- Powerful tool to control yield-robbing lepidopteran pests
- Convenient formulation contains two modes of action for broad-spectrum insect control
Combatting yield-robbing insects is now more attainable for growers as Syngenta adds yet another tool to its product portfolio. Offering proven insect control on a number of crops, Besiege® insecticide recently received registration approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use on soybeans, sunflowers and canola. With dual-action chemistries, the industry-leading technology of Besiege controls an even broader spectrum of insect pests, including some of the most destructive lepidopteran insects such as soybean looper.
The two active ingredients of Besiege provide protection against key lepidopteran insect pests, including soybean looper, cutworm, corn earworm and armyworms, as well as secondary pests such as stinkbugs, beetles and other damaging pests.
Syngenta field studies conducted in soybean fields last season demonstrated the effectiveness of Besiege with a significant decrease in insect presence.
“With dual modes of action, Besiege is an excellent choice for hard-to-control lepidopteran species like the soybean looper,” said John Koenig, insecticide product lead, Syngenta. “In addition, Besiege will control other important pests like stinkbugs.”
In 2012 trials, Besiege proved its high performance against soybean looper and other lepidopteran pests. Twenty-six days after a foliar application, soybean fields treated with Besiege reduced soybean looper pressure to only two larvae per 9 square feet, compared to 25 larvae in untreated fields and 11 larvae in fields treated with a comparable competitor product.
In addition to long-lasting insect control, Besiege provides added convenience for growers. Available as a premix formulation, Besiege offers robust rates and performance while also eliminating the need for a tank mix. An insecticide with multiple benefits, Besiege provides long-lasting residual coverage that targets destructive insect pests, allowing soybeans and various crops to yield strong at harvest.
More solutions from: . Syngenta USA . Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (USA)
Website: Published: April 22, 2013 |