Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
April 1, 2013
To boost soybean yields and profitability in 2013, Syngenta encourages growers to start the season strong by utilizing the best agronomic practices. While the national soybean yield averages 45 bushels per acre, research shows soybeans have the potential to yield up to 160 bushels per acre. As one of the most important factors for a grower to consider, row spacing can mean the difference between reaching average yields and unlocking greater potential.
In replicated field studies designed to identify best management strategies, Syngenta researchers discovered yield advantages when planting 15-inch rows versus 30-inch rows. Studies at Iowa State University confirm this advantage with 15-inch row spacing demonstrating an average 4.5 bushels per acre advantage over 30-inch row spacing.
“Narrow rows offer a faster speed to canopy, allowing the plant to intercept more light during the growing season,” said Chris Cook, head of agronomy, Syngenta. “This increases growth rates and reduces soil moisture loss.”
Iowa State University research shows that canopy closure of 15-inch rows typically occurs 15 days earlier than 30-inch rows. Pod fill depends on canopy closure, so this 15-day window is critical to achieving larger beans and fuller pods.
To share other agronomic tips on how farmers can enable their soybeans to start strong, grow strong and yield strong each season, Syngenta launched the Grow More Soybeans Agronomic Solutions Resource Page. This online resource provides product use recommendations and best management practices, highlighting soybean pest pressures and other in-season challenges. This resource is vital to helping farmers grow more soybeans in 2013.
Syngenta is one of the world's leading companies with more than 27,000 employees in over 90 countries dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Through world-class science, global reach and commitment to our customers we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health and quality of life.