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CropWatch - What's new in crop herbicides for 2013

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
March 22, 2013

Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln - CropWatch

Corn Herbicides

Anthem™ ATZ [pyroxasulfone + fluthiacet + atrazine]. Anthem ATZ is a new premix from FMC for postemergence or early postemergence control of annual grasses and some small-seeded broadleaf weeds in corn. MOA: Pyroxasulfone is a seedling growth inhibitor (Group 15), fluthiacet is a PPO inhibitor (Group 14), and atrazine is a PSII inhibitor (Group 5). RUP. EPA Reg. No. 279-3449.

Armezon™ [topramezone (2,8 lb ai/gal)]. Armezon is a BASF postemergence herbicide for control of emerged broadleaf and grass weeds in field corn, popcorn, and sweet corn. The recommended rate is 0.75 fl oz/ac per growing season. It can be applied up to 45 days prior to corn harvest. Topramezone is a hppd-inhibitor (Group 27) EPA Reg. No. 7969-262.

Instigate™ [rimsulfuron (4.17%) + mesotrione (41.67%)]. Instigate is a new premix from DuPont for preplant and postemergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in corn. It can be applied up to 14 days prior to planting or before corn emergence. It can be applied within a rate range of 5.25 to 7 oz/ac before corn emergence. Group 2 and 27. EPA Reg. No. 352-873.

Lexar® EZ [S-metolachlor (1.74 lb ai/gal) + atrazine (1.74 lb ai/gal) + mesotrione (0.224 lb ai/gal)].

Lumax EZ [S-metolachlor (2.49 lb ai/gal) + atrazine (0.935 lb ai/gal) + mesotrione (0.249 lb ai/gal)]. Lexar EZ and Lumax EZ are Syngenta products for pre-emergence control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn and grain sorghum. Group 14, 5, and 27. RUP. EPA Reg. No. 100-1414 for Lexar EZ and 100-1442 for Lumax EZ.

Parallel® Plus [atrazine (2.8 lb ai/gal) + metolachlor (2.7 lb ai/gal)]. Parallel Plus is a MANA premix of atrazine and metolachlor for control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn. It can be applied preplant or postemergence. If a postemergence treatment is required, the total atrazine applied may not exceed 3.57 quarts of Parellel Plus per acre in a season. Group 5 and 14. RUP. EPA Reg. No. 66222-132.

Realm™Q [rimsulfuron (7.5%) + mesotrione (31.25%)]. Realm Q is a new premix herbicide from DuPont for postemergence use in field corn. It contains a safener (isoxadifen) and may be applied at 4 oz/ac to emerged corn through 20 inches or V7 corn, whichever is more restrictive. Realm Q provides selective postemergence control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. It may be tank-mixed with glyphosate when used in glyphosate-tolerant corn or glufosinate in LibertyLink corn. MOA: rimsulfuron is an ALS inhibitor (Group 2) and mesotrione is an HPPD inhibitor (Group 27). EPA Reg. No. 352-837.

Zemax™ [S-metolachlor (3.34 lb ai/gal) + mesotrione (0.33 lb ai/gal)]. Zemax is a Syngenta product contains the active ingredients of Callisto (mesotrione) and Dual II Magnum (S-metolachlor). The double-mode-of-action herbicide can be applied from 14 days early pre-plant up to 30-inch corn. Zemax is also used in grain sorghum for postemergence control of many annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Group 15 and 27. EPA Reg. No. 100-1410.

Zidua™ [pyroxasulfone (85%)]. Zidua is an herbicide from BASF for preemergence control of annual grasses and some small-seeded broadleaf weeds in corn. MOA: Pyroxasulfone is a seedling growth inhibitor. Application rates of Zidua may vary depending on soil texture. Group 15. EPA Reg. No. 7969-338.

Sorghum Herbicides

Huskie™ [pyrasulfotole (0.31 lb ai/gal) + bromoxynil (1.75 lb ai/gal)]. Huskie received a supplemental label for use in grain and forage sorghum. It may be applied postemergence from 3-leaf to 12-inch tall sorghum at 12.8-16 oz/ac. It is also acceptable for use in seed production. Group 27 and 5. EPA Reg. No. 264-1023.

Soybean Herbicides

Flexstar GT 3.5 [fomesafen (0.56 lb ai/gal) + glyphosate (2.26 lb ai/gal)]. Flexstar GT is a new premix herbicide from Syngenta for pre- and postemergence control of certain grasses, broadleaf, and sedge weeds in soybean. A maximum of 3.5 pts/ac may be applied in alternate years. MOA: fomesafen is a PPO inhibitor (Group 14) and glyphosate is an ESPS inhibitor (Group 9). EPA Reg. No. 100-1385.

Liberty® 280 SL [glufosinate-ammonium (2.34 lb ai/gal)]. Ignite received a supplemental label allowing for a single in-crop application up to 36 oz/ac in LibertyLink soybeans. The maximum total use of Ignite is 65 oz/ac in a growing season. The standard recommended rate is 22-29 oz/ac from emergence, up to, but not including, bloom. Group 10. EPA Reg. No. 264-829.

OpTill® PRO [saflufenacil (17.8%) + imazethapyr (32%)] + [dimethenamid-P (6 lb ai/gal)]. It is one of the
Kixor based herbicides from BASF. This co-pack features three modes of action with Sharpen, Pursuit, and Outlook herbicides (Group 2, 14, and 15). It provides both contact burndown and residual preemergence weed control in soybean. Group 14, 2, and 15. EPA Reg. No. 7969-332.

Herbicides Labeled for Use in Multiple Crops

Anthem™ [pyroxasulfone + fluthiacet]. Anthem is a new premix from FMC for preemergence or early postemergence control of annual grasses and some small-seeded broadleaf weeds in corn and soybean. MOA:
Pyroxasulfone is a seedling growth inhibitor (Group 15) and fluthiacet is a PPO inhibitor (Group 14). EPA Reg. No.279-3450.

Autumn Super™ [iodosulfuron-methyl (6%) + Thiencarbazone-methyl (45%)]. Autumn Super is a herbicide from Bayer for burndown of existing vegetation and residual weed control. It can be applied after fall harvest and early spring at least 30 days prior to planting field corn, cereals, and grain and forage sorghum or at least 60 days prior to planting soybean, sweet corn, popcorn, or corn grown for seed. Up to 0.5 oz/ac in a year may be applied. Idosulfuron and thiencarbazone are ALS inhibiting (Group 2) herbicides. EPA Reg. No. 264-1134.

Fierce™ [flumioxazin (33.5%) + pyroxasulfone (42.5%)]. Fierce is a new premix from Valent for postemergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds. It will be labeled for use in soybeans and no-till and minimum till corn. The use of residual herbicides can help manage or prevent the development of glyphosate-resistant weed biotypes and reduce early season weed competition. MOA: flumioxazin is a PPO inhibitor and pyroxasulfone is a seedling growth inhibitor. Group 14 and 15. EPA Reg. No. 63588-93-59639.

Pyroxasulfone is a new herbicide active ingredient that will be marketed in Anthem, Fierce, and Zidua herbicides. It is a postemergence, seedling growth inhibitor. Users should expect performance and control of a similar weed spectrum as obtained with other seedling growth inhibitors such as metolachlor, acetochlor, and dimthenamid-P (small-seeded broadleaves and most annual grasses).

Trust® [trifluralin (4 lb ai/gal)]. Trust® is a trifluralin product from Winfield Solutions. It is labeled for postemergence control of annual grasses and some small-seeded broadleaf weeds in multiple crops. MoA:
Trifluralin is a seedling growth inhibitor. Group 3. EPA Reg. No. 1381-146.

Warrant [acetochlor (3 lb ai/gal)]. Warrant is an encapsulated formulation of acetochlor from Monsanto. Group 15. EPA Reg. No. 524-591.

Soybeans: Warrant herbicide can be applied preplant, at planting or pre-emergence to soybeans at 1.25 to 2 qts/ac. It can also be applied postemergence to glyphosate-resistant soybean in a tank mix with glyphosate.
Corn: It is now labeled for postemergence application to field corn but it has only residual activity; therefore, weeds emerged at the time of application will not be controlled by this herbicide if applied alone. It can be applied from seedling emergence until the corn reaches 30 inches in height. The application rates are dependent on soil texture ranging from 1.5 to 2.75 qts/ac. Do not exceed 4 qts/ac per season.

Herbicides in Other Crops and Non-Crop Areas

Aminocyclopyrachlor is a new synthetic auxin herbicide active ingredient developed by DuPont. It controls many annual and perennial broadleaf species and some woody species. It is a component in Perspective, Streamline, and Viewpoint.

Perspective™ [aminocyclopyrachlor (39.5%) + chlorsulfuron (15.8%)]. Perspective is a new premix from DuPont. It is for use in non-crop areas and controls many annual and perennial broadleaf species and some woody species. MOA: aminocyclopyrachlor is a synthetic auxin and chlorsulfuron is an ALS inhibitor. Group 4 and 2. EPA
Reg. No. 352-846.

Streamline™ [aminocyclopyrachlor (39.5%) + metsulfuron (12.6%)]. Streamline is a new premix from DuPont. It is for use in non-crop areas and controls many annual and perennial broadleaf species and some woody species. MOA: aminocyclopyrachlor is a synthetic auxin and metsulfuron is an ALS inhibitor. Group 4 and 2. EPA
Reg. No. 352-848.

Viewpoint™ [imazapyr (31.6%) + aminocyclopyrachlor (22.8%) + metsulfuron (7.3%)]. Viewpoint is a new premix from DuPont. It is for use in non-crop areas and controls many annual and perennial broadleaf species and some woody species. MOA: aminocyclopyrachlor is a synthetic auxin and metsulfuron and imazapyr are ALS inhibitors. Group 4 and 2. EPA Reg. No. 352-847.

Amit Jhala, Weed Management Specialist
Lowell Sandell, Weed Science Extension Educator
Stevan Knezevic, Integrated Weed Management Specialist
Greg Kruger, Cropping Systems Specialist
Robert Wilson, Weed Management Specialist

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    . University of Nebraska

Website: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/

Published: March 23, 2013









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