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LG Seeds (USA)

July 9, 2024

Protect against a nitrogen deficiency in corn - Be on guard, but don’t jump to conclusions about nitrogen loss, advises LG Seeds agronomist

June 10, 2024

Manage micronutrients for higher corn yields - Spot deficiencies with soil sampling and tissue testing

May 15, 2024

Enhancing corn ear size to maximize yield - A season-long look at practices that encourage kernel growth

April 30, 2024

Plant with harvest goals in mind - LG Seeds agronomist says end-of-season objectives can help farmers set planting order

December 13, 2023

Three key practices to tackle corn rootworm - Integrated approach controls pests and protects yields

November 14, 2023

LG Seeds agronomists’ takeaways after a challenging season - 2023 emphasized the value of spreading risk with seed choices

October 30, 2023

If you want strong test weights, choose hybrids wisely - Many factors drive test weights, but hybrid selection is the biggest, says LG Seeds agronomist

September 26, 2023

Five tips for battling white mold in soybeans - LG Seeds agronomist provides advice to protect future soybean crops

April 17, 2023

Don’t let weeds hold back crop potential - An LG Seeds agronomist shares four tips for an effective spring burndown

March 29, 2023

Don’t skip these four steps when planting into conservation systems - LG Seeds agronomist shares management shifts for a successful season

March 14, 2023

Five tips for achieving strong, even corn stands - Planter prep, patience and reviewing seed plans can add bushels, says LG Seeds agronomist

February 14, 2023

Get Crops Started on the Right Foot with Seed Treatments - Protect crops against early threats and provide an early nutritional boost

January 24, 2023

Three major pieces to the high corn yield puzzle - Genetics, nutrition and plant health are all essential components, says LG Seeds agronomist

November 7, 2022

Seed treatments as insurance for a good stand - LG Seeds agronomist says they can protect against threats like Pythium 

September 6, 2022

USA - Set yourself up for a successful corn silage harvest

November 30, 2017

Deutschland - Natürliche Wachstums-Stimulanz von LG "starcover" für mehr Ertragssicherheit

November 17, 2017

AgriShield Seed Treatment System Enhanced for 2018

April 10, 2015

Seed depth for even emergence in corn

October 18, 2013

Do seed treatments add yield to your soybeans? (LG Seeds)

April 29, 2013

Bis die Rapsschote platzt

April 12, 2013

Technical bulletin - Seed Science: Germination

March 12, 2013

Soybean inoculants may prove important in 2013

January 28, 2013

USA - Western corn rootworm considerations for 2013 (LG Seeds)


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