New FiBL-Dossier: Techniques in Plant Breeding
June 2012
Source: ECO-PB Newsletter
Which breeding techniques are compliant with the principles of organic farming? A new Dossier provides the foundation for decision maker in the organic sector for a transparent judgement of novel as well as traditional breeding methods.
Suitable cultivars are a fundamental requirement in order to further increase efficiency and yield stability of food production. In order to achieve this, a type of plant breeding that is orientated to the specific breeding goals of organic farming is required. Alternative approaches of plant breeding are also necessary since the internal seed market is further consolidated and the share of genetically modified varieties still increases. Additionally, patenting of living beings leads to a restricted use of genetic resources.
This new Dossier describes on 50 pages traditional and novel breeding methods that are phased-in in commercial plant breeding soon. Based on clearly defined criteria the appropriateness of such breeding techniques with regard to organic farming is being evaluated
This outline of methods is being completed by principals for organic plant breeding, which have been worked out and discussed in an expert workshop. The production of the Dossier has been financially supported by Foundation Mercator Switzerland and Mahle Foundation Germany.
The dossier is available in German and can be purchased under:
More solutions from: . FIBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) . ECO-PB (European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding)
Website: Published: June 21, 2012 |