DVD on sustainable potato blight control
Wageningen, The Netherlands
June 2012
Source: Plant Life e-newsletter, June 2012
Applied Plant Research (PPO) has released a DVD with a film about recent developments in the sustainable control of potato blight, a disease caused by Phytophthora infestans. The film has been produced for use by, e.g., the industry and teaching in a Dutch, German and English version. Bayer CropScience supported production of the film. With the film PPO and Bayer wish to contribute to a sustainable control of Phytophthora.
Contact: Huub Schepers
All over the world potato production is threatened by Phytophthora. This oomycete (fungoid) annually causes yield losses with an estimated value of ten billion euro.
Over the last ten years Phytophthora infestans underwent a change: the pathogen became more aggressive and resistance to certain fungicides has been found. Potato production more than ever requires fungicide resistance management. Growers are adjusting their control strategy, for a good yield and quality. Further improvement of the control strategy requires availability of the most recent research results to growers and advisors. The film provides this information.
More information
More solutions from: . Wageningen University & Research . Plant Research International BV
Website: http://www.wur.nl Published: June 11, 2012 |