West Des Moines, Iowa, USA
August 24, 2012
Growers are reporting Goss's Wilt is being "stopped it in its tracks" by the newly publicized Procidic, a broad spectrum bactericide and fungicide, says Greenspire Global, the company behind Procidic. In the final stages as corn matures, Goss's Wilt continues to potentially destroy corn yields and test weight. When the crop has become afflicted with the disease, the kernels tend to not fill as fast or as full. But representatives of Procidic believe growers still have time to use their product to stop the disease by helping the plant survive through black layer. Greenspire Global says that their product has been shown to help corn reach a higher quality and test weight compared to untreated crops.
Procidic is designed to work on contact, before moving toward the apex of the plant to inhibit the future growth of bacteria and fungi. Procidic is labeled to control a long list of fungi diseases including Anthracnose, Downey Mildew and Grey Leaf Spot, among other blight diseases. It is designed to treat fungus and bacteria on contact and is then systemically absorbed into the plant for lasting protection.
The company began testing Procidic against Goss's Wilt in 2010, taking "baby steps" to ensure customers were satisfied with the results. Following industry-wide media exposure of Procidic's claimed effectiveness against Goss's Wilt, Greenspire Global, the company behind Procidic, reports that sales have increased tremendously.
More information and dealer contact information can be found at www.greenspireglobal.com or contact your local ag retailer for Procidic.