NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets System available to Michigan Sugar Cooperative growers
Walnut Creek, California, USA
December 12, 2011
Michigan Sugar Cooperative growers will have the option of using NipsIt™ SUITE Sugar Beets System1 as a seed protection offering in 2012.
Officials from Valent U.S.A. Corporation announced that NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets—with its long-lasting control of early-season insects and diseases such as Rhizoctonia and Fusarium seed and seedling dieback—will be available this season for Michigan growers using SEEDEX-brand seeds from Holly Hybrids.
“More companies are seeing the value of providing NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets as an option for their growers to help protect their sugar beet crops,” said Jay Stroh, NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets brand manager. “We are excited that Michigan Cooperative growers now will have even greater confidence heading into the season that their high-quality SEEDEX seeds are protected longer and better by NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets.”
NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets brings together three super-systemic components that provide both contact and systemic control for unsurpassed seed protection:
- METLOCK™ Fungicide—exceptional protection from Rhizoctonia damping-off, Fusarium seed/seedling dieback, seed decay fungi
- NipsIt INSIDE® Insecticide—long-lasting protection from wireworm, white grubs and other tough insects
- metalaxyl—the industry standard for Pythium protection
Stroh said NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets is unique by delivering "Inside-Out" protection against the most important sugar beet diseases, including Rhizoctonia and Fusarium. Additionally, NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets provides a mixture advantage via Valent’s Lock Tight™ Technology—meaning outstanding product retention, improved seed coverage and improved planter flowability.
METLOCK™ SUITE System2 from Valent U.S.A. Corporation is also available to Michigan Sugar Cooperative growers.
1. NipsIt SUITE Sugar Beets System is a promotional combination of NipsIt INSIDE Insecticide (EPA reg. #59639-151) and METLOCK Fungicide (EPA reg. #59639-171) from Valent U.S.A. Corporation and a metalaxyl fungicide product.
2. METLOCK SUITE System is a promotional combination of METLOCK™ Fungicide (EPA reg. #59639-171) from Valent U.S.A. Corporation and Sebring™ 318 FS Fungicide (EPA reg. #55146-107) from Nufarm.
NipsIt INSIDE is a registered trademark and NipsIt, Lock Tight and METLOCK are trademarks of Valent U.S.A. Corporation.
More solutions from: Valent USA Corporation
Website: Published: December 12, 2011 |