July 2, 2013
Kelvin - Novi nikosulforon na tržištu!
BASF Agro - Akris
Rapsherbizide: Kombi-Effekt - die Grundlage für sichere Wirkung bei unterschiedlichen Bodenverhältnissen
June 28, 2013
Alternaria in potatoes – it’s all about timing
June 11, 2013
BASF -- Kelvin
BASF - Crvenilo kukuruza - saveti
BASF - Fastac I Duett Ultra
June 7, 2013
Seed treatment demonstrates value in a difficult season by protecting critical fungicide timings
June 6, 2013
USA - BASF launches Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide as part of the Intrinsic brand fungicide family
June 4, 2013
Agcelence efekt - Pictor
June 3, 2013
Serviço global da BASF é lançado no Brasil com pacote de soluções para tratamento de sementes
May 25, 2013
Begynnande rost I vete med Peter Löfgren
May 9, 2013
United Kingdom - Weed control flexibility Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use for BASF's spring barley herbicide Crystal (Farmers Guardian)
May 8, 2013
Szőlővédelmi előrejelzés a Dél-Dunántúlra
April 30, 2013
AgCelence - BASF Plant Health
April 29, 2013
Scouting to get the most out of every acre - Efficient and accurate weed scouting more important than ever to yield success
April 12, 2013
BASF apresenta novas tecnologias durante a 6ª Parecis SuperAgro
水稲用殺虫殺菌剤「嵐プリンス箱粒剤6」 有効な施用法 .
水稲用一発処理除草剤「半蔵1キロ粒剤」 有効な施用法 .
April 11, 2013
BASF Agro - Lansiranje AgCelence koncepta
April 10, 2013
New BASF sequential fungicide application program controls disease, drives yield - BASF research shows sequential application benefits in corn
April 9, 2013
BASF Plant Health shows many benefits (Ohio Country Journal)
BASF Agro - Stomp Aqua
April 8, 2013
Brasil - Herbicida multicultura será destaque na 12ª Tecnoshow COMIGO
BASF Agro Lithuania - Xemium
March 25, 2013
BASF promotes comprehensive pest management (AgWired)
March 19, 2013
Colorful way shows how BASF herbicide works (AgWired)
March 18, 2013
En 2012, contre la septoriose, j'ai utilisé Adexar de BASF sur blé tendre
Plus de 200 essais produits sont menés chaque année en France par BASF Agro
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