November 28, 2011
Growers inspecting grain storage facilities can carry with them a useful new resource to help identify any pests which may be present.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Stored grain pests identification Back Pocket Guide provides a snapshot of common pests found in stored grain in Australia.
The Lesser Grain Borer is a serious pest of most stored grains. It has developed resistance to a number of insecticides.
As well as images and descriptions of common pests, the guide contains information about how to monitor and identify grain pests; control measures; and how to send samples for testing so that insects can be checked for resistance.
There is nil-tolerance for live storage pests in grain sold off-farm for the domestic, human-consumption, or export markets.
Growers need to identify pests early and conduct monitoring monthly, at the very least.
The GRDC Stored grain pests identification Back Pocket Guide was mailed to growers in the November/December edition of the GRDC magazine Ground Cover.
It can be downloaded from the GRDC website at, or growers can visit the stored grain information hub at
Copies are also available from or freephone 1800 11 00 44.
Growers can sign up for Ground Cover or download it from the GRDC website at