January 27, 2023
Plant protection of the future may come from the plants themselves
July 27, 2021
Protein crop’s potential unlocked by deciphering anti-nutrient biosynthesis
July 8, 2021
Protein crop’s potential unlocked by deciphering anti-nutrient biosynthesis Gammel gåde er løst: Danske forskere har opdaget, hvordan hestebønnen kan gøres sikker at spise for alle
September 17, 2020
Metaanálisis concluye que los cultivos Bt no tienen efectos sobre los invertebrados del suelo
July 31, 2020
Researchers discover a new and unique class of carbohydrate receptors Forskere opdager en ny og unik klasse af kulhydratreceptorer
January 14, 2020
Plant genomes reveal the basis for adaptation to contrasting climates
December 5, 2018
New insights in rust resistance in wheat
April 6, 2018
SpectraSeed – Digital analysis can predict germination capacity
November 21, 2016
Nitrogen fixing symbiosis is crucial for legume plant microbiome assembly
October 19, 2016
Super grass could reduce cows' methane-heavy burps (Seeker)
Nyt græs skal reducere svinende ko-bøvser - Forskere udvikler en græsart, køer nemmere kan fordøje, så de udleder mindre metangas til fordel for miljøet (Berlingske)
May 30, 2016
Herbicide-tolerant crops can be a part of integrated weed management
December 17, 2015
Fungi may help drought-stressed wheat
October 7, 2015
Grass becomes more robust against root-feeding insects - The development of the first commercial grass plants carrying natural root protection against the infestation of pests will lead to a reduction in the use of pesticides and strengthen the Danish commercial seed production
August 21, 2015
Preparing cropping systems for climate changes - Climate models can be improved with more knowledge on how crops respond to climate-related stress and the atmospheric concentration of CO2 Afgrøder skal forberedes til klimaændringerne - Klimamodeller kan forbedres med mere viden om, hvordan afgrøder reagerer over for klimarelateret stress og luftens indhold af CO2
July 9, 2015
Researchers discover how bacteria sweet-talk their way into plants
June 22, 2015
Legumes control infection of nodules by both symbiotic and endophytic bacteria
February 2, 2015
Growing method can make vegetables tastier and healthier
July 14, 2014
Best for bees to be stay-at-homes - Honey bees with roots in the local environment manage much better in the struggle for survival than imported honey bees from foreign environments
November 1, 2012
Plants recognise pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms Planter genkender sygdomsfremkaldende og nyttige mikroorganismer
May 7, 2012
Decision support system can help reduce the use of pesticides in potato production
Potato virus Y in five different guises
November 3, 2011
Knowledge about low energy greenhouse production to be spread in the North Sea region
October 10, 2011
Some wheat varieties more resistant than others
May 11, 2011
Agriculture can reduce the use of herbicides by up to 90 percent by using new technology
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