West Des Moines, Iowa, USA
July 5, 2011
Greenspire Global has announced their Procidic bactericide is effective in both preventing and treating Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Sudden Death Syndrome, the increasingly common nuisances in corn and soybean farming. The bactericide is EPA approved, as well as the only bactericide on the market that is known to be effective against the diseases. Within the last few years, Goss's Bacterial Wilt and SDS have been prevalent in the Midwest, but the company reports that their field testing with growers in the region has been very successful at preventing and eradicating the diseases.
Procidic is a broad spectrum bactericide and fungicide compound that can reportedly control a long list of diseases including Botrytis, Downey Mildew, White Mold and Anthracnose, among others. It is designed to treat fungus and bacteria on contact and is systemically absorbed into the plant for lasting protection. The company says that Procidic is proven safe and effective on nearly any fruit or vegetable.
Procidic's advanced formula works to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi on contact and is also rapidly absorbed into the plant. Working systemically, Procidic then moves toward the apex of the plant to inhibit the future growth of bacteria and fungi. As an added benefit, there are no harsh chemicals to pollute the soil, so growers can enjoy healthier crops year after year.
Sold as a liquid concentrate, Procidic is mixed with water and applied through normal spraying methods. Apply 2-4 oz per acre as a preventative in the early vegetative stage of the plant. If diseases are discovered, use rates from 8-14 oz to work as a curative toward saving the plant. Greenspire Global says no re-entry waiting period is required. More information and dealer contact information can be found at www.greenspireglobal.com.