October 29, 2019
Precision Planting auf Agritechnica: SmartDepth steuert Aussaattiefe (Top Agrar)
May 14, 2015
Precision Planting announces new insecticide control system (Farm & Ranch Guide)
April 13, 2015
Multi-hybrid corn planter trials - New planter technology could change how breeders develop corn hybrids and soybean varieties (Corn&Soybean Digest)
February 12, 2015
Micromanage your fields with easy-to-use FieldView upgrades from Precision Planting
January 21, 2015
Precision Planting announces vDrive Insecticide, row-by-row insecticide application metering and control system
August 26, 2014
RemoteView feature for Precision Planting’s app, FieldView, allows instant viewing of yield maps, anywhere
August 21, 2014
Plant twice as fast while maintaining accurate speed with SpeedTube
Precision Planting launches vSet Select row-by-row multi-hybrid planting system
January 22, 2014
Precision Planting releases multi-hybrid metering system
January 21, 2014
New SpeedTube increases planting speed, decreases equipment costs
December 17, 2013
New, fast planting technology to be featured at 2014 Precision Planting Winter Conference
July 9, 2013
New technology improves yield measurement accuracy, resulting in improved decision-making
April 16, 2013
FieldView Plus from Precision Planting now tells growers of planting problems – even when they’re not in the cab
February 20, 2013
New FieldView Plus shares data from iPad to iPad, from field to office
New electric meter drive system from Precision Planting replaces chains, hydraulic motors and row clutches
August 27, 2012
Precision Planting announces new down force control system: 20/20 DeltaForce
January 18, 2012
Precision Planting launches FieldView – Creates high definition maps of planting performance output on an iPad tablet
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