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The DISCOVER Series presents new technologies and resources of interest and value to seed professionals.


Pens filled with high-tech inks for "do-your-own" sensors 

A new simple tool developed by nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego, is opening the door to an era when anyone will be able to build sensors, anywhere.

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Video system for rapid assessment of plant resistance to insects

Wageningen UR researchers have published a technique for rapidly assessing resistance to plant lice in large numbers of plants simultaneously.

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"Gezonde Kas": Pflanzenschutz geht im Gewächshaus neue Wege

Wissenschaftler und Unternehmer entwickeln ein neues, ganzheitliches Pflanzenschutzkonzept für den Unterglasanbau.

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UC Davis developing faster, more accurate robotic cultivator

Controlling weeds could soon become more effective, affordable and sustainable for vegetable growers in California and beyond, thanks to a system under development at UC Davis that will help plants communicate with a robotic cultivator.

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INCOTEC launches new sustainable Thermoseed disinfection for onion seeds

INCOTEC Europe announces the introduction of ThermoSeed™ for onion seeds, a method of seed disinfection which frees the seeds from harmful fungi and other microorganisms. This sustainable technique uses nothing more than hot humid air and with this method no drying phase is needed.

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New test counts total phenolics in fruits and vegetables

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have devised a new analytical method for detecting and measuring concentrations of phytochemicals called "polyphenols" in plant materials.

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INCOTEC launches second generation X.ray seed upgrading

INCOTEC has launched version 2.0 of its pioneering X-ray seed upgrading technology. Accumulated seed analysis expertise and experience with X-ray upgrading technology has resulted in the development of an improved second-generation system for better, quicker, cost efficient and flexible seed upgrading using X-ray imaging-based technology.

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Dozens of pathogens checked simultaneously

Instead of one specific diagnostic test for every unique bacteria, virus, fungus or nematode, it has recently become possible to detect dozens of different pathogens on plant material at the same time.

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Bitter food but good medicine from cucumbers

High-tech genomics and traditional Chinese medicine come together as researchers identify the genes responsible for the intense bitter taste of wild cucumbers. Taming this bitterness made cucumber, pumpkin and their relatives into popular foods, but the same compounds also have potential to treat cancer and diabetes.

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New developments in the use of DNA techniques in Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) testing

During the recent meeting of the UPOV BMT (Working Group on Biochemical and Molecular Techniques, and DNA-Profiling in Particular) in Seoul Korea developments were reported that may lead to a further application of DNA techniques in the DUS testing process for Plant Breeders’ Rights

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Universidad de La Rioja (España) y Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto-Douro (Portugal) 

Investigadores han desarrollado y patentado un nuevo sistema (Fast Clone ID) para identificar variedades y clones de vid. Fast Clone ID permitirá clasificar e identificar rápidamente, de forma fiable, variedades y clones de vid a partir de imágenes hiperespectrales; una técnica rápida, potente y muy avanzada que obtiene el espectro de cada uno de los píxeles de una imagen.

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University of California, Davis

Discovery may lead to new tomato varieties with vintage flavor and quality

A recent discovery could make more tomatoes taste like heirloom varieties, reports an international research team headed by a, UC Davis, plant scientist. This finding has significant implications for the U.S. tomato industry, which annually harvest more than 15 million tons of fruit for processing and fresh market sales.

University of California, Davis

Gene discovery may yield lettuce that will sprout in hot weather

A team of researchers, led by a UC Davis, plant scientist, has identified a lettuce gene and related enzyme that put the brakes on germination during hot weather — a discovery that could lead to lettuces that can sprout year-round, even at high temperatures.

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U.S. Department of Agriculture / Agricultural Research Service

Pelting weeds with particles instead of spraying them with herbicides
Bombardeando malezas con partículas de mazorcas en vez de rociarlas con herbicidas

It takes real grit to control tenacious weeds. Although determination is an important attribute in farmers, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agronomist Frank Forcella is counting on grit of another kind in his approach to battling weeds.

In collaboration with university researchers, Forcella has devised a tractor-mounted system that uses compressed air to shred small annual weeds like common lambsquarters with high-speed particles of grit made from dried corn cobs. Ongoing field trials may confirm the system's potential to help organic growers tackle within-row infestations of weeds that have sprouted around the bases of corn, soybean and other row crops.

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Syngenta Crop Protection AG

Interactive PDF on Root Health

- Foreword / The essence / Roots matter
- Key to better crop productivity / Threats to Root Health
- Boost your RootingPower / See the difference
- Root Health Forums / Spreading the word

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IOS Group

ISO Graft 1100 grafting machine

The Graft ISO 1100 gives you more control over the grafting process. Cut at the same angle, the scion and rootstock fit perfectly, which stimulates union. The simple blade change over function and the ability to disinfect with steam reduce the risk of bacterial propagation. Two persons operate the machine.

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University of California, Davis

Gene conferring resistance to Phytophthora capsici disease in pepper

Researchers at UC Davis have discovered methods of preparing a plant with enhanced resistance to root rot disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora capsici. The methods take advantage of naturally occurring Phytophthora resistant strains and can incorporate traditional breeding techniques, transgenic techniques, or mutagenesis.

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Keygene's KeyPoint Mutation Breeding

Picture this: a breeder has bred a tomato variety. Great taste and very juicy. A valuable product of years of patient crossing and selection. Difficult to improve. But in some aspects less than ideal: a bit too tall, shelflife not optimal.

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GenZ Technology

Our vision at GenZ is to revolutionize the multibillion dollar pesticide spraying industry by engineering more efficient, cost effective, eco-friendly spraying equipment. Based in Boise, Idaho, GenZ develops ground-based spray equipment designed to:

  • Improve crop coverage
  • Increase growers’ yields and profits
  • Optimize chemical recapture
  • Reduce pesticide costs
  • Minimize chemical waste and pesticide drift

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