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October 11, 2021
New gene could help improve tomato flavor and shelf-life
October 8, 2021
Japan - Genome-edited tomato goes on shelves (Tomato News)
Pomodoro e genetica: il ruolo del Commercial Breeder - Meet The Breeder #5: Intervista a Giulio Bile, Tomato Commercial Breeder di Vegetables By Bayer
October 7, 2021
BASF le pone emoción a Fruit Attraction con nuevas propuestas saludables y sostenibles - El tomate RedNoir, el melón Sunup o su nueva estrategia en Espinaca son solo algunas de las novedades con las que la multinacional reafirma su compromiso con toda la cadena de valor agroalimentaria
October 6, 2021
Bactérias funcionais garantem crescimento do tomate em condições de estresse salino
October 5, 2021
Purple tomatoes thanks to red beet pigment Lila Tomaten durch Farbstoff aus der Roten Beete
October 1, 2021
Yuksel Seeds presenta en Fruit Attraction todas sus novedades varietales (Portagrano)
Pomodoro Marmande: Nunhems Italy gioca d'anticipo sui trapianti estivi con Maremosso e Marego
September 30, 2021
Wageningen University & Research participates in EU project to fight viral diseases in tomato and cucurbit crops WUR participeert in EU-project ter bestrijding van virusziekten in tomaten en komkommerachtigen
September 28, 2021
Japan ushers in CRISPR gene edited food revolution as hypertension-reducing tomato now on sale (Genetic Literacy Project)
Publication: ISHS Proceedings of the VI Int. Symposium on Tomato Diseases
September 27, 2021
España - Alvalade de Rijk Zwaan para trasplantes de noviembre (Portagrano)
September 23, 2021
Is there magic in magenta? Cultivating tomato in bright pink net houses boosts the nutrient content of the fruit, but once pests, temperature, and moisture are factored in, things are not as rosy as they seem
September 22, 2021
Tomato trade with Mexico could cost U.S. growers $250M a year, University of Florida study shows
NVWA-IOD onderzoekt gebruik niet-toegelaten middel tegen tomatenvirus
September 21, 2021
Ghana - Weddi Africa invests in tomato processing (Tomato News)
1st report of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in Syria
September 20, 2021
Brasil - Tomate Coronel: Excelência em desempenho no campo
Al Serpieri prove tecniche per le nuove varietà di pomodoro - Prove in campo per valutare le nuove varietà di pomodoro in collaborazione con ISI Sementi SPA e con l'azienda agricola Lago d'oro dei Fratelli D'Apice - Giornata dal "sapore tecnico" nel Fucino (IMN)
September 17, 2021
Pesquisa avalia tomateiros mais adaptados ao cultivo em fazenda vertical
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Australia: (VI)
September 16, 2021
Japan - Sanatech Seed Co. starts sales of genome-edited tomato “Sicilian Rouge High GABA”
September 15, 2021
CRAG participates in the EU H2020 project VIRTIGATION to tackle viral diseases in tomato and cucurbits El proyecto VIRTIGATION, financiado con fondos europeos, aborda las enfermedades víricas en tomates y cucurbitáceas El projecte VIRTIGATION, finançat per la Unió Europea, combat les malalties víriques en tomàquet i cucurbitàcies
September 10, 2021
University of Florida scientist works on improving tomato production, size
September 6, 2021
Meet the Certhon Harvest Robot: the multifunctional robot for tomato harvesting Maak kennis met de Certhon Harvest Robot: de multifunctionele tomatenoogstrobot
August 27, 2021
Pomodoro: come accontentare tutta la filiera? La sfida dei Plant Breeder di Seminis
August 26, 2021
New crop varieties improve tomato and soybean yields in Cuba
August 25, 2021
Pyramiding genes into tomato hybrid to develop resistance against tomato leaf curl viruses (Horti Daily)
August 23, 2021
Bellatrix F1, the full sweetness of the cherry tomato (Horti Daily)
August 18, 2021
Vilmorin Italia - Pomodoro Kaori F1: l'importanza della scelta varietale
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