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January 5, 2022
Nirit Seeds and TomaTech acquired and merged at a value of over $60 M - A new global vegetable seed company is born
January 4, 2022
Architecture of world trade in 2020/2021 (part 1) (Tomato News)
January 3, 2022
The first report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in Norway
December 21, 2021
ISLA Sementes lança novas variedades orgânicas - São 24 cultivares disponíveis que levam o selo Produto Orgânico Brasil
Protheus F1: Tomate com pacote completo de resistências a doenças da cultura é aliado do produtor rural
December 20, 2021
Microbe sneaks past tomato defense system, advances evolutionary battle
December 17, 2021
Semillas Fitó debuta en el mercado de tomate asurcado con Albarado (Revista Mercados)
December 16, 2021
España - Rijk Zwaan celebra en el 21 de Almería su “demo” de tomate (Portagrano)
December 13, 2021
Italia - Vilmorin-Mikado, Giornata Tecnica Solanacee a Santa Croce Camerina (RG), 16 dicembre 2021
Chinese Tomato Seed Industry Alliance Conference was held in Guangzhou (Fresh Plaza)
December 10, 2021
Resistance of tomatoes to heat and cold stress is regulated by strigolactones
December 7, 2021
Algeria: finally self-sufficient in tomato products? Algérie : enfin autosuffisante en dérivés de tomate ?
Feltrin Sementes - Treinamento de Produtos
Bayer Vegetable Seeds, Nederland - Speedella en Radiance in de herfstteelt
El tomate no es natural, es un tesoro creado por el ingenio humano (El Pais)
December 6, 2021
Moonshadow, a deeply pigmented purplish-red, oblong tomato bred by Phillip Griffiths at Cornell AgriTech, joins ‘galaxy’ of colorful tomatoes
Le proposte di Isi Sementi al Filo Rosso del Pomodoro (Italiafruit)
December 1, 2021
Nederland - De toekomst van snoeptomaat Sweetelle en ToBRFV
Filo rosso del pomodoro, Isi Sementi cala il poker (Italiafruit)
A sequence change in a single protein allowed a tomato virus to become a global crop pandemic
November 30, 2021
ToBRFV/ tomato-pepper and Aphis gossypii/melon, a CPVO project to propose new DUS protocols ToBRFV/ tomate-piment et Aphis gossypii/melon, un projet OCVV pour proposer de nouveaux protocoles DHS
November 29, 2021
Aanscherping eisen bemonstering voor ToBRFV-toetsen
Southern Seed's Open Day in southern Sicily presents pepper varietal novelties (HortiDaily)
New series of ready-to-harvest mini tomatoes, peppers coming to stores (Vancouver Sun)
November 26, 2021
How the Dutch tomato market got to know (and live with) ToBRFV (HortiDaily)
November 25, 2021
La mejora en las variedades de tomate aumentó la productividad, el empleo y el cuidado del medio ambiente
November 24, 2021
Sakata holds tomato Betis F1 seminar in Uzbekistan
November 23, 2021
España - Jornadas de tomate Obelix de CapGen Seeds en Roquetas de Mar (Portagrano)
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