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May 9, 2023
New Enza Zaden varieties bring high resistance to ToBRFV
Brasil - Seminis realiza palestra para otimizar a colheita do tomate TY 2006
May 8, 2023
Hazera’s globaler Ansatz gegen das ToBRFV-Virus: Lokale Teams und Erzeuger als Schlüssel zum Erfolg
May 4, 2023
BASF ofrece una charla divulgativa sobre el Virus del Rugoso en InfoAgro
New model predicts how tomato growing strategy affects taste (Greenhouse Grower)
May 3, 2023
University of Florida researchers find tomato plants resistant to devastating disease: target spot
May 2, 2023
Israeli scientists develop drought-resistant tomatoes (Tomato News)
May 1, 2023
Renowned University of Georgia plant geneticist Esther van der Knaap uncovers what influences tomato shape
April 27, 2023
Hebrew University researchers develop new drought tolerant variety of tomatoes
April 25, 2023
First report of lettuce ring necrosis virus in chili pepper and tomato in Belgium and The Netherlands (PubMed)
April 24, 2023
Hazera’s global approach towards the ToBRFV virus: local teams and growers the key to success Hazera o globalnym podejściu do wirusa ToBRFV i kluczowym znaczeniu lokalnych zespołów i producentów warzyw
Oregon State University breeding program produced series of purple tomatoes with healthy antioxidants
April 21, 2023
Bayer Vegetables - Zomerteelt tomaat; Merlice, Marinice en Grandice
Reading a tomato plant remotely: what can a grower see using Ecoation's 8K 360-Degree Virtual Walk?
April 19, 2023
Robotic tomato harvesting enables faster innovations in research and development - To optimize the future production of tomatoes, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds works with Pittsburgh, PA-based Four Growers, Inc. to test the GR-100 robotic harvester in tomato research
Breedx on track with innovative varieties (EuroFruit)
April 18, 2023
Vilmorin-Mikado Atlas organise un Séminaire Tomate à Agadir: qualité et sécurité au service des producteurs (AgriMaroc)
April 17, 2023
Vilmorin-Mikado Atlas launches ToBRFV-resistant tomato varieties in Morocco (FreshPlaza)
April 12, 2023
Robotic tomato harvesting enables faster innovations in research and development - Syngenta and Four Growers, Inc. collaborate to create the future of tomato production
April 11, 2023
Syngenta ToBRFV resistant tomatoes: Protect taste and quality with complete disease resistance
April 10, 2023
Tomato super-pangenome highlights the potential use of wild relatives in tomato breeding (Nature)
April 7, 2023
USDA/APHIS amends Federal Order for entry requirements for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and pepper (Capsicum spp.) seeds imported from all countries into the United States
April 6, 2023
Pomodoro Marmande: con Marinda, Marego e Maremosso da BASF Vegetable Seeds un assortimento eccellente per tutti i periodi di trapianto
Vilmorin-Mikado Italia launches ToBRFV-resistant tomato variety (Horti Daily)
April 5, 2023
Improving tomato plants through companion planting - Tips on how your tomato plants can find strength in numbers this spring
Ruby Crush tomato named Texas Superstar plant - Top-performing tomato in taste, consistent production
April 4, 2023
Israeli scientists develop drought-resistant tomatoes in response to climate change (The MediaLine)
March 31, 2023
Antioxidative Kraft fürs Essen - Tomaten mit erhöhtem Betacyaningehalt gegen entzündliche Erkrankungen
March 30, 2023
España - Conoce la caída del tomate Obelix de CapGen Seeds en un cultivo de ciclo largo (Portagrano)
Upgrading traditional techniques boosts production of famous Azerbaijani tomatoes
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