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August 10, 2023
How can Spanish tomatoes face competition from Morocco and the Netherlands?
August 9, 2023
Syngenta e Four Growers: la raccolta robotizzata del pomodoro - Syngenta e Four Growers sviluppano insieme un protocollo per la raccolta robotizzata del pomodoro (OmniTrattore)
August 1, 2023
USDA/APHIS seeks comment on pathway risk assessments and potential regulatory options for tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)
July 31, 2023
Norwich scientists hope that purple tomato will soon be sold in the United Kingdom (BBC)
July 28, 2023
Brasil - Globo Rural - Novas variedades de tomate da Nunhems visam proteção contra vírus rugoso
July 27, 2023
New method available for SE-RT-qPCR detection of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) in tomato and pepper seeds Nouvelle méthode pour la détection par SE-RT-qPCR de ToMMV sur semences de tomate et piment
July 25, 2023
Araldino RZ F1, il pomodoro cuore di bue di Rijk Zwaan - Buon cuore non mente: produttività senza limiti
July 24, 2023
Semillas Fitó ha organizado la IV edición de TomatoXperience en Almería
Italia - Pomodoro Marmande: con Marinda, Maremagno, Marego e Maremosso da BASF Vegetable Seeds un assortimento eccellente per tutti i periodi di trapianto
Plant propagators struggle with new ToBRFV-resistant tomato varieties (Hortidaily)
Argentina - La Comisión Federal Fitosanitaria analizó la situación del virus rugoso del tomate
July 21, 2023
Nederland - Nieuwe noodmaatregelen tomatenvirus ToBRFV bij import en handel van zaden en planten per 01-09-2023
July 20, 2023
Argentina - Virus rugoso del tomate: se confirmó la detección en muestras oficiales analizadas por el laboratorio del Senasa
July 18, 2023
Pomodoro Attrio F1: grande interesse al Field Day di Fondi per conoscere questa nuova varietà e le sue strategie di difesa
USA - A new strain of bacterial spot is a headache for tomato growers (Growing Produce)
Italy's processing tomato industry: the value of the interbranch organization (Tomato News)
July 17, 2023
Giornata tecnica a Bellaria Igea Marina (Rimini) per ISI Sementi - Gocce di Sapore, un marchio per l'elite del pomodoro (Fresh Plaza)
España - Top Seeds presenta Arondir, nuevo tomate pera para ciclos cortos (Portagrano)
July 14, 2023
Efficient seed extraction in organic tomato cultivation Effizientere Saatgutgewinnung im biologischen Tomatenanbau Production de semences efficace dans la culture biologique des tomates Efficiënte zaadextractie in de biologische tomatenteelt
July 13, 2023
Argentina - Más de 600 personas participaron de la charla técnica sobre el virus rugoso del tomate - Organizada por el Senasa, el INTA y el INASE tuvo como objetivo brindar información y conocimientos sobre este virus
July 11, 2023
Sakata Seed confirma Resistencia Intermedia (IR) al ToBRFV en variedades de tomate Intermediate Resistance (IR) to ToBRFV in tomato varieties confirmed
July 10, 2023
Norfolk Plant Sciences' high antioxidant purple tomato completes U.S. FDA consultation
From ground-hugging to groundbreaking: How a unique tomato mutation could transform sustainable agriculture
July 7, 2023
How one tomato company Is targeting taste (Greenhouse Grower)
Brasil - Tomate Troller: Novo produto Vilmorin-Mikado combina fruto consistente com as demandas do mercado e excelência no cultivo
July 6, 2023
In search of the ‘holy grail’ of tomatoes - Texas A&M AgriLife researchers target tomato firmness, shelf life, nutritional value
AgriPlex Genomics releases new Commercial Tomato Panel
July 3, 2023
España - Sargento, Zapador y Retador, tres variedades de tomate pera de HM.Clause (Portagrano)
119sa956 di SAIS Sementi - Una nuova varietà di pomodoro datterino per la Sicilia (Fresh Plaza)
June 30, 2023
ToBRFV-resistente tomatenrassen van Rijk Zwaan maken verwachtingen waar
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