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September 26, 2023
Italia - La storia delle 5000 piante di pomodoro illegali a Ragusa (Meridio News)
September 25, 2023
Scientists design fresh tomatoes suitable for mechanical harvesting
September 20, 2023
Descubre la variedad de tomate saladette Aguamiel
September 19, 2023
Fantix e Redix, two new tomato varieties of interest to the world of producers and processors (Fresh Plaza)
Study: Genetically editing tomatoes increases their anti-inflammatory activities (Tomato News)
Dalibor F1: New TOV tomato resistant to cracking and blotchiness Dalibor F1 di Harmoniz :Un pomodoro tondo liscio resistente a cracking e blotchy
Agristar lança imersão digital e traz novidades para os produtores
September 18, 2023
Harmoniz starts the campaign with 20 tomato varieties resistant to ToBRFV
September 14, 2023
Six tips to help prevent the spread of ToBRFV in greenhouses
September 13, 2023
Inscribimos al Tomate Platense como Semilla Criolla
September 12, 2023
“Dat de planten gezond blijven, geeft veel rust” - Tomatenproducent Lans over Hoge Resistentie van Enza Zaden
You say tomato, these University of Massachusetts Amherst scientists say evolutionary mystery
September 7, 2023
Water-smart greenhouses in Uzbekistan - Simple yet innovative farming technologies and techniques save natural resources while increasing incomes
September 6, 2023
Brasil - Tomate ComandanTY: poderoso e vigoroso no campo - O novo lançamento da Seminis Bayer promove alta resistência, qualidade e ótimo desempenho nas lavouras
September 5, 2023
Enza Zaden presents 2024's new high-resistance tomato introductions: "HREZ-resistant varieties provide an answer for at least 90% of the tomato assortment" (Fresh Plaza)
India - Hot and soar: Tomato crisis and the role of innovative seed technologies to address it holistically (The Times of India)
September 4, 2023
Enza Zaden presenteert nieuwe hoogresistente tomatenintroducties voor 2024 (Groentennieuws)
August 31, 2023
Toevoegen verrood geeft meerproductie in belichte teelt Marinice
August 29, 2023
Beyond Seeds sorprende con Zucchiolo, una nueva referencia para el invernadero (Portagrano)
First defence against devastating ToCSV tomato virus explored
August 28, 2023
Italia - Per i consumatori italiani il costoluto è uno solo: il Marinda - Un pomodoro unico che ha segnato la storia di un territorio
USDA/APHIS extends comment period on the pathway analyses related to the regulatory status of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) until September 29, 2023
August 25, 2023
Ausente no Brasil, doença do tomate é registrada no norte da Argentina
August 24, 2023
France - La coopérative Terres du Sud défend sa filière tomates d’industrie (Circuits Culture)
August 22, 2023
Experiences with HREZ tomatoes from Enza Zaden
August 17, 2023
GAutier Semences vous propose 3 nouveautés en tomate : la nouvelle côtelée Marmango et les deux cœur DCC680 et DCC649
Novos híbridos de tomate resistentes ao vírus rugoso
August 15, 2023
Open day pomodoro per i segmenti mini e midi plum - Harmoniz presenta Basoche F1 e Midres F1, varietà resistenti al ToBRFV
August 14, 2023
España - Barronto es el nuevo tomate pera de Meridiem Seeds (Portagrano)
August 11, 2023
Bayer launcht neue Premium-Tomate - Strabini bald in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Belgien und den Niederlanden erhältlich
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