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September 28, 2020
Semillas Fitó y elBullifoundation editan el libro más completo sobre el tomate
Analysis of wild tomatoes elucidates genetic basis underlying fruit traits Analyse von Wildtomatenlinien klärt genetische Basis von Fruchtmerkmalen und Pathogenreaktion
September 15, 2020
Bayer launches large-scale pre-launch trial of new tomato varieties with resistance to Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) Bayer startet großangelegten Prelaunch-Versuch mit neuen Tomatensorten mit Resistenz gegen das Jordan-Virus
September 14, 2020
Italia - Cuore di bue Rijk Zwaan: Araldino RZ a Fondi
September 11, 2020
Brasil - Porta-Enxertos Seminis: Desempenho Comprovado Em Campo - Shincheonggang, e os lançamentos SVTX6258 e Gumgang
Italia - Pomodoro da industria, varietà resistenti a TSWV (Italia Fruit)
September 10, 2020
Mutant tomato helps to crack the secrets of fruiting - Researchers from the University of Tsukuba find that the fruit development process in tomatoes rewires the central metabolism pathway via the plant hormone gibberellin
September 9, 2020
USA - Kick off the season the right way with Semins varieties
September 8, 2020
Il pomodoro Focale F1, nato dalla ricerca Vilmorin : colore, consistenza ed uniformità dei grappoli. L’innovazione viaggia con la qualità
A new method may make tomatoes safer to eat - FDA-approved food additives prove effective at controlling bacteria on tomatoes preharvest
September 7, 2020
España - Kumato se alía con el triatleta Rubén Ruzaf (Portagrano)
September 4, 2020
España - Un país de tomates (AgroDigital)
Pomodoro da industria Seminis: qualità dal campo alla tavola
September 1, 2020
BASF mejora la producción, firmeza y Brix del tomate de industria - El NUN 00296 F1* es la novedad que será comercial la próxima campaña y con la que la casa de semillas contribuye a mejorar la rentabilidad de este cultivo
August 31, 2020
Newly identified gene grants tomatoes resistance to bacterial speck disease
España - Variedades de calabacín y tomate de Clause en Zafarraya (Portagrano)
August 28, 2020
Dit zijn de wijzigingen in ToBRFV-maatregelen EU - Lidstaten en bedrijven moet meer en beter toetsen op ToBRFV, blijkt uit een nieuwe EU-verordening (Groenten & Fruit)
European Unio: new measures to prevent the spread of the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV)
High flavor, high production, and labor efficient - Sakata Seed's new high-tech tomato varieties are hitting the market (Horti Daily)
August 27, 2020
Tweede planting Tomato Vision
Nederland - Ontwikkelingen en stand van zaken ToBRFV
Inscrições abertas para palestras online sobre manejo fitossanitário do tomateiro
August 26, 2020
Semillas Fitó - Optimizar la gestión del riego en cultivos de tomate
August 25, 2020
Field trials for the 2020 African Vegetable Breeding Consortium (AVBC) go virtual in Cotonou, Benin
Some of America’s favorite produce crops may need to get a move on by 2045 - Berkeley Lab study finds warmer California temperatures by mid-century will be too hot for some crops, just right for others
August 24, 2020
España - El tomate canario escapa de la covid, pero teme el brexit (Mercados)
August 21, 2020
Agrinature completa su portfolio de tomate con nuevas variedades (Portagrano)
Mexico - Toma, annual report
Future of farming: AI-enabled harvest robot flexes new dexterity skills (Tech Republich)
August 20, 2020
Syngenta Nederland - Primona, onze nieuwste cocktailtomaat
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