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November 4, 2020
Mycorrhizing your way to sweeter tomatoes Süße Tomaten durch Mykorrhiza
New Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) ELISA test from Agdia now available for evaluation
Sakata Central Asia organizes kield day in Uzbekistan, tomato Betis F1 in the spotlight
November 3, 2020
U. S. National Seed Health System announces new Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) testing protocol for tomato and pepper
Architecture of the Global Tomato Products Trade 2019/2020 Architecture des Échanges Mondiaux 2019/2020 de Dérivés de Tomate
España - Mistela es el nuevo cherry pera de Nunhems (Portagrano)
November 2, 2020
NVWA deelt beschikbare informatie ToBRFV ten behoeve van wetenschappelijk onderzoek
First report of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Czech Republic
In den Niederlanden wurde ein neues Antiserum entwickelt, das spezifisch das Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in infiziertem Pflanzenmaterial und Saatgut nachweisen kann (Gabot)
October 30, 2020
A guide to grafting tomatoes: Cornell’s tips for success (Greenhouse Product News)
October 29, 2020
First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on zucchini in the regions of Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur of France
October 28, 2020
España - Mistela F1, el cherry pera de alto sabor que invita a repetir - Gracias a su productividad y resistencias, esta variedad de BASF Vegetable Seeds permite al agricultor rentabilizar su cultivo ofreciendo al mercado un tomate premium
October 27, 2020
España - El proyecto HARNESSTOM desarrollará tomates más resistentes y de mejor calidad (Portagrano)
Brasil - Compack e Coronel – referência em qualidade
World Processing Tomato Council's preliminary 2020 global crop estimate (Tomato News)
October 20, 2020
Pomidor Rosamunda nagrodzony Srebrną Perłą Rynku FMCG
October 19, 2020
Bakker Brothers rounds up their best round tomatoes (Horti Daily)
October 13, 2020
Progetto blockchain applicato alla filiera del pomodoro Blockchain project for the tomato industry Projet Blockchain pour la filière tomate
October 12, 2020
FNIS - Attention : Les mesures destinées à éviter le virus ToBRFV dans l'Union Européenne ont changé
October 6, 2020
Wageningen University & Research joins new EU innovation project to increase resilience and quality of tomato varieties WUR werkt mee aan nieuw EU-project dat de veerkracht en kwaliteit van tomatenrassen moet vergroten
October 5, 2020
Canada - Ontario: processigng tomato production holding steady in Chatham-Kent (Tomato News)
El proyecto Harnesstom del IBMCP busca desarrollar tomates de mejor calidad, más resistentes y con más sabor Project HARNESSTOM - Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future
Selection of tomato and cucumber accessions for waterlogging sensitivity through morpho-physiological assessment at an early vegetative stage (MDPI)
October 2, 2020
Duelle: the latest addition to the red elongated tomato range of Syngenta (Fresh Plaza)
October 1, 2020
Enza Zaden identifies a gene providing high levels of resistance against Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Enza Zaden identificeert hoge resistentie tegen het tomatenvirus ToBRFV Enza Zaden identifie un gène hautement résistant au virus dévastateur de la tomate ToBRFV Enza Zaden findet Gen mit hoher Resistenz gegen das gefährliche Tomatenvirus ToBRFV Enza Zaden identifica il gene che conferisce un'elevata resistenza al devastante virus del pomodoro ToBRFV Enza Zaden odkryła gen dający wysoką odporność na niezwykle groźny wirus pomidora ToBRFV Enza Zaden совершила открытие высокой устойчивости к разрушительному томатному вирусу ToBRFV Enza Zaden identifica un gen de alta resistencia al devastador virus del tomate ToBRFV Enza Zaden Domates Virüsü ToBRFV’e Karşı Yüksek Dayanımı Buldu
Brasil - Conheça o potencial produtivo da lavoura do tomate TY2006 no estado do Maranhão
Tomate Vivacy da Feltrin Sementes, alta produtividade na sua lavoura
September 30, 2020
Western Australia - Carnarvon tomato trial to help optimise production potential
September 29, 2020
Nieuwe noodmaatregelen ToBRFV
California: Impact of increasing temperatures (Tomato News)
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