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April 18, 2023
Sorghum Checkoff taps into Google’s expertise to grow consumer awareness and drive demand
April 17, 2023
Deux nouveautés de Semences de Provence viennent étoffer l’offre en sorgho multicoupes
April 13, 2023
Sorghum: Anbauempfehlung und Kulturführung - Sorghum hat sich in Österreich bereits viele Jahre bewährt und in vielen unterschiedlichen Witterungsverhältnissen seine Anpassungsfähigkeit unter Beweis gestellt
USA - National Sorghum Producers opens 2023 National Sorghum Yield Contest
April 12, 2023
Deux nouvelles inscriptions en sorgho grain chez Semences de Provence en 2023
New reports highlight best grain variety choices for southern Australia
March 31, 2023
Usar semilla de calidad es un buen negocio, genera hasta un 40% más en las cosechas
March 30, 2023
2022/23 Sorghum Quality Report released By U.S. Grains Council
March 27, 2023
New Study reveals waxy starches in sorghum have negative impact on gut microbiome - Shows importance for plant breeding programs to incorporate human health traits into crop improvement strategies
March 21, 2023
Sorghum's cSmart launches venture capital platform - The Collaborative Sorghum Marketing Transformation Program matches private capital with funding to support startups, establish sorghum-investing companies and facilitate a private investors network (FarmProgress)
March 16, 2023
Male-sterile sorghum may offer dairy cows needed energy with less water use - Texas A&M AgriLife research indicates water-efficiency and highly digestible fiber is possible
March 8, 2023
Internationales Jahr der Hirse: Sorghum weltweit von Bedeutung
March 7, 2023
News from the CTPS maize and sorghum section – 19/01/2023
France - Le sorgho, une petite graine qui a de l’avenir
March 6, 2023
Biofortification could help enhance sorghum nutrition (High Plains Journal)
France - La production de sorgho manque encore de régularité (La France Agricole)
March 3, 2023
La semence de sorgho, quels atouts pour répondre aux défis climatiques ? (Cultivar)
Le sorgho à l’honneur - La directrice de Semences de Provence et d'Eurosorgho présente les axes de sélection en sorgho grain et ensilage
February 28, 2023
Körnersorghum: Alternative im Futtertrog
February 20, 2023
New sorghum hybrid with a 25% increase in yield released in Zimbabwe
February 17, 2023
Building a toolbox of sorghum diversity
Kansas State University releases reports from 2022 Kansas Crop Performance Tests in corn, sorghum, soybeans and sunflowers
February 10, 2023
Three sorghum and three pearl millet varieties developed by ICRISAT in Nigeria
February 9, 2023
Nederland - Sorghum als rustgewas in GLB
Scientists crack one of broadacre cropping’s most sought genetic secrets
February 7, 2023
Despite the toughest conditions in years, farmers planting Pioneer brand sorghum continue winning streak in National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest
February 2, 2023
Strengthening sorghum against a worldwide fungal threat - ARS and Purdue University scientists identified a gene that could help sorghum withstand the fungus that causes anthracnose disease.
Embrapa seleciona produtores de sementes para validação agronômica e licenciamento do sorgo forrageiro BRS 661
February 1, 2023
France - Sorgho grain : les résultats 2022 et pluriannuels des essais des variétés (Cultivar)
January 31, 2023
Sorghum: the unlikely food source for pollinators
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