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May 3, 2023
European Food Safety Authority, open consultation - Oilseed rape MS8, RF3, MS8 × RF3
April 28, 2023
7 tips til valg af rapssort - Hvilke egenskaber skal du lægge vægt på, når du vælger rapssort? Læs med her og få vores tips til at finde den bedste raps til dine marker
April 27, 2023
Omega-3 canola enhancing the quality of fish and setting itself apart for human health
April 26, 2023
USA - Renewable fuel mandates are transforming the canola market
Nuseed USA's field ready planting checklist for sunflower and canola crops
April 25, 2023
Achieving high oilseed rape yields despite the ‘weather gods'
Surprise success for Scottish oilseed rape crop
Important notice of immediate changes for canola treated with haloxyfop
April 21, 2023
Colza : Un bon choix variétale pour une récolte au bon stade plus sereine (Cultivar)
April 20, 2023
Omega-3 canola oil demand on the rise
New OSR Manager for Limagrain UK
Introducing the LepR1 phoma resistance gene and DSV Phoma Blocker
April 17, 2023
Deutschland - Corteva Agriscience, Winterrapssortiment 2023
April 13, 2023
New DSV Phoma and Clubroot resistances provide enhanced disease protection for United Kingdom oilseed rape growers
BASF bringt erstes Produkt mit easyconnect-Kappe auf den deutschen Markt
April 12, 2023
New reports highlight best grain variety choices for southern Australia
March 31, 2023
Introducing Ben Brimlow, Nuseed Field Sales Manager, Omega-3 Canola
March 29, 2023
Botaneco is unlocking canola’s true potential
March 21, 2023
Bunge, Chevron y Corteva se unen para introducir semillas híbridas mejoradas de canola con un perfil de carbono más bajo (BioEconomia)
March 15, 2023
Uruguay - Modificación del estándar específico para semilla de colza
Australia - Want to supercharge your profit? Dual-purpose canola may be just the ticket
March 14, 2023
Corteva Agriscience, Bunge and Chevron announce collaboration to produce winter canola to meet growing demand for lower carbon renewable fuels
March 7, 2023
Sclérotinia du colza : vers une stabilisation de l’observation des résistances aux SDHI ?
RAGT Saaten Deutschland - Neuzulassungen bei Mais, Soja und Raps bieten Landwirten neue Lösungen und interessante Sortenprofile
Corteva Agriscience launches new fungicide solution for sclerotinia and white mould protection - Viatude fungicide is available for canola and soybean farmers for the 2023 growing season
March 6, 2023
EU-Kommission gibt die GVO-Rapsvarietät MON 94100 für Lebens- und Futtermittel frei - . Verlängert wurde zudem die Zulassung der Sojabohnensorte A5547-127 (Top Agrar)
March 2, 2023
Australia - A$8.2M national project to boost canola establishment
February 23, 2023
Sécurité alimentaire : la Commission Européenne autorise l'utilisation de deux cultures génétiquement modifiées comme denrées alimentaires et aliments pour animaux
February 21, 2023
Western Australia - Grains Research Updates 2023: Aphid trial results not peachy for canola
Québec, Canada - Nouvelles variétés de céréales à paille et de canola, nouveaux défis (La Terre de chez nous)
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