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March 31, 2016
Neue I.G. Pflanzenzucht Getreidesorten zugelassen (Agrarzeitung)
March 30, 2016
Canterra Seeds and the University of Saskatchewan's Crop Development Centre (CDC) finalize pea agreement for the United State
March 7, 2016
Demonstrationsbetriebe in Sachsen gesucht - Bundesweites Demo-Netzwerk Erbse/Bohne nimmt Arbeit auf
March 6, 2016
Canada - Pulse acres on the rise this spring - High prices are driving higher interest in planting peas and lentils this season (Grainews)
March 3, 2016
Old-fashioned methods yield new Ogle Southern Pea named for retired Clemson University plant breeder (The Post and Courier)
March 2, 2016
Deutschland - Raps und Erbsen statt Import-Soja - Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsminister startet Fütterungsversuch
February 26, 2016
Canada - New pulse crop varieties for 2016 (Grainews)
February 19, 2016
KWS Sommergetreide und Körnererbsen - Sortenempfehlung für die Frühjahrsaussaat
February 10, 2016
PGRO/Syngenta roadshows see record attendances and launch of the new "Bean Agronomy Tool" and 2016 Pulse Agronomy Guide
PGRO - Pulse market update, January 2016
February 9, 2016
Pulse crops are front and center in agricultural research
Arysta LifeScience issues 2(ee) recommendations on Rancona family of products
February 1, 2016
United Kingdom - Limagrain’s Anubis vining pea donated to ‘Kids Country’ for ‘Food & Farming Day’ competition
January 28, 2016
Neutraler Sortenvergleich Sommerungen
January 27, 2016
Clemson University releases new Southern Pea variety named for long-time breeder
January 26, 2016
An overview of the Dutch pulse market
January 22, 2016
LSV Ergebnisse Sommerungen
January 11, 2016
Punjab Seed Council approves new varieties of maize, wheat, green pea, ground nut, sorghum, seedless kinnow, mong beans and canola
January 8, 2016
XiteBio PulseRhizo: newly expanded registration from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
January 6, 2016
Syngenta Canada launches Apron Maxx with Intego co-pack targeting aphanomyces root rot in pulses
South Dakota joins trend with pulse crop production (Tri-State Neighbor)
RAGT Semences inscrit 11 nouvelles variétés de céréales et protéagineux d’hiver en 2015
December 18, 2015
Schweiz - Die Erntezahlen 2015 ergänzt mit den Zahlen für Körnermais, Sonnenblumen und Soja sind online verfügbar Suisse - Les quantités récoltées 2015 Avec les chiffres actualisée de maïs grain, tournesol et soja sont disponibles.
Meeting on growing field peas in South Dakota on January 14
December 15, 2015
France - Qualité des graines de pois 2015 - Rendement faible mais qualité correcte (Terres Inovia)
December 10, 2015
Deutschland - Sortenempfehlung Körnerleguminosen 2016 - Empfehlung für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Anbaugebiet: D-Nord/ MV-Süd
December 9, 2015
Planting seeds market in Greece 2014/2015
The announcement of this year’s AHDB Recommended List sees a range of varieties securing full recommendation from breeders Limagrain UK that offer new thresholds for a range of agronomic and marketing qualities.
November 30, 2015
New 2016 PGRO Recommended Lists for combining peas, winter beans and spring beans are announced
Finland - Record-breaking winter grain harvests – self-sufficiency in rye
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