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February 10, 2022

International Grains Council press release on the occasion of World Pulses Day 2022

December 10, 2021

Zooming the research lens on Ethiopian lentils

December 9, 2021

La première synthèse des résultats des variétés de lentille évaluées dans le réseau de Terres Inovia en ligne sur myVar

October 21, 2021

France - Bilan des récoltes lentilles et pois chiche 2021

Victoria, Australia - Lentil breeding advances set to continue (Queensland Country Life)

October 18, 2021

Semences de Provence lance Im'Pulse Seeds, le concept du champ à l’assiette pour la création de nouvelles variétés de légumes secs : pois chiche, lentille, haricot

October 7, 2021

Washington State University awarded $10 million to increase nutrition in food crops

August 9, 2021

France - Mise en place d’un réseau d’évaluation des variétés de lentille

July 8, 2021

Lentilha é objeto de pesquisa de melhoramento genético preventivo contra pragas

June 25, 2021

France - Plateforme Syppre Berry : la lentille, une culture valorisée

June 18, 2021

Australia - Imi resistance a problem for lentil producers (North Queensland Register)

June 17, 2021

France - Les variétés de lupin, de lentille et de pois chiche désormais disponibles dans l'outil en ligne myVar

June 14, 2021

Terres Inovia - Visite terrain dans les lentilles sur la commune de Le Bourdet dans les Deux-Sèvres

March 24, 2021

Linsenzähler gesucht – LfL startet Forschungsprojekt für Linsen und Bohnen

February 12, 2021

African project highlights importance of legume crops on World Pulses Day

February 5, 2021

Producer practices crucial to protecting lentil crop (The Western Producer)

January 18, 2021

Lentils first breakthrough in CDC history of re-shaping Prairie agriculture - It’s hard to imagine what Saskatchewan’s pulse industry would be like today if the University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Development Centre (CDC) had never been created

January 11, 2021

USDA Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates of protection on November 30, 2020 

Saskatchewan, Canada - Seeding rates and weed control part of lentil production research project (North East Now)

December 28, 2020

Clemson University team hopes research will lead to more varieties of lentils (SC Now)

December 16, 2020

Clemson University researcher says prebiotic carbohydrates key to lentil plant breeding efforts

December 11, 2020

Aphanomyces root rot on pea and lentil in Canada

November 27, 2020

Climate change adds to woes of lentil farmers in Nepal 

November 26, 2020

Why early weed control matters for lentils and peas

November 13, 2020

Organic, specialty crops get boost with new Texas A&M AgriLife Research breeder - Waltram Ravelombola joins efforts to improve specialty crop markets in Texas

November 10, 2020

Turkey announces tariff reductions on lentils and eliminates tariffs on sunflower seed

November 6, 2020

New model hopes to improve lentil selection (The Western Producer)

October 16, 2020

University of Saskatchewan plant scientists develop model for identifying lentil varieties best suited to climate change impacts

September 22, 2020

Victoria, Australia - New lentil paves the way for higher yielding crops

August 21, 2020

Five-year plan for driving grain legume and dryland cereals seed delivery systems through commodity value chains

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