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December 18, 2014
Third National Vegetable Grafting Symposium - Growing new roots for the U.S. vegetable industry
December 8, 2014
Con una superficie de 1’3 milliones de hectáreas, en el mundo se producen 31.925 millones de kilos de melón (HortoInfo)
December 4, 2014
USA - Problematic pathogens in melons and watermelons (Growing Produce)
Sakata Seed America hosts annual fall field trials in Ft. Myers, Florida (American Vegetable Grower)
December 2, 2014
New Zealand - Ministry for Primary Industries, Amendment to IHS 155.02.05: Importation of Seed for Sowing
November 30, 2014
Leading Spanish cooperative Gregal S. Coop receives Certificate of Appreciation for its support of the ‘Flavour model for Galia melons'
November 28, 2014
República Dominicana - Exportación de verduras de invernaderos rompe barrera de los cien milliones de dolares Dominican Republic surpasses US$100M in vegetable exports
November 27, 2014
Queensland declared a pest quarantine area for Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic virus (CGMMV)
November 26, 2014
Australia - States crack down on the movement of cucurbit crops to protect themselves from Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (ABC)
USDA/APHIS announcement concerning Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in California
Australian Melon Association postpones the 2015 Australian Melon Industry Conference & Field Days until 2016
Australian Melon Association cancels annual meeting and field days amid concerns that Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus could spread (ABC)
November 20, 2014
Meloni, angurie e portinnesti cucurbitacee Rijk Zwaan presentati a Sermide
Nimitz nematicide from Adama receives state registration in Florida
November 11, 2014
New Nematicide Gets to the Root of Nematode Management Problems
October 28, 2014
Espana - Nuevas variedades de melón, pepino, berenjena y pimiento (HortoInfo)
October 24, 2014
Seed industry warns of costs for farmers as Australia boosts biosecurity to combat outbreak of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (ABC)
October 22, 2014
HM. Clause Ibérica, on its 50th anniversary, makes an impression at Fruit Attraction with its new tasty cherry tomato Dolcetini HM.Clause Ibérica, en su 50 aniversario, impresiona en Fruit Attraction con el nuevo tomate cherry pera Dolcetini
October 20, 2014
Rijk Zwaan presentó en Fruit Attraction propuestas de valor para todo el canal agroalimentario
“Nunhems a tu gusto” confirma en Fruit Attraction su eficacia para responder a los nuevos retos del mercado - Nuevas variedades se combinan con un asesoramiento integral para liderar el suministro de frutas y hortalizas innovadoras que atraen al consumidor
October 15, 2014
Australia - Planned response needed to prevent the spread of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) in the Northern Territory
October 8, 2014
European Food Safety Agency assesses risks from Salmonella in melons and tomatoes
September 18, 2014
USA - 14 stand-out melon varieties (Growing Produce)
September 15, 2014
HM.Clause boosts availability of “best of both worlds” FIJI melon HM.Clause booste le développement de FIJI, le melon « gagnant sur tous les tableaux » HM.Clause impulsa la oferta de melón FIJI, "la mejor combinación posible"
September 12, 2014
Nimitz, a novel, non-fumigant nematicide from Adama, approved by U.S. EPA for use on cucurbits and fruiting vegetables
September 8, 2014
Spain - Syngenta presents new Piel de Sapo melon, Batidor (Fresh Plaza)
September 4, 2014
España - Batidor, une variedad se Syngenta, el “piel de sapo” que triunfa en la feria del melón (HortoInfo)
September 3, 2014
UC Davis weed scientists survey melon, tomato growers - Results could shape future Cooperative Extension projects (Western Farm Press)
September 2, 2014
Long shelf life AND great taste: Enza Zaden's new range of fully netted cantaloupe melons
September 1, 2014
Wisconsin, USA - Farmers, plant breeders work to create tastier vegetables (CTV News)
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