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December 13, 2016
Seminis Australia - New to market: Melon SV7484MA
December 12, 2016
Melão – Produtividade e qualidade para atender mercado internacional (Campo & Negócios)
November 14, 2016
Agdia launches new ELISA test for Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)
November 7, 2016
2016 vegetable variety trials: Syngenta in Woodland, California; Sakata Seed America in Salinas and Woodland, California; Rupp Seeds in Wauseon, Ohio (Growing Produce)
November 4, 2016
ISAAA infographic - Approved transgenic plant events, 1992-2016
October 25, 2016
New fruit and vegetable varieties introduced to farmers in Zhejiang
October 20, 2016
Jewel’s give a bright display at PMA Fresh Summit
October 19, 2016
Bayer expected to receive California registration for new nematicide - Velum One will offer protection from both nematodes and diseases
October 11, 2016
Bayer demuestra en Fruit Attraction su capacidad para crear en tiempo récord nuevos conceptos de éxito en los mercados hortofrutícolas
October 7, 2016
Galkia-Melone: immer reif und mit Sicherheit lecker
September 30, 2016
Western Australia - Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus update
September 19, 2016
Expofruit apresenta variedades de melão para atender mercado internacional (Cultivar)
September 8, 2016
Collaboration, innovation and customer focus within melon and watermelon event of the vegetable seed division of Bayer in Northern California
August 29, 2016
Innovative varieties at Hazera's Open Days in Israel - Puma Personal watermelon, cluster tomatoes, and orange melon featured (IsraelAgri)
August 22, 2016
Brasil - Melão híbrido SV1044MF
August 18, 2016
Sakata Seed hosts California Field Days (The Packer)
August 12, 2016
España - Seminis apuesta por las resistencias en sus nuevas líneas de melón Galia y Piel de Sapo
August 8, 2016
Takii & Co., Ltd. acquires breeding subsidiary of Turkish vegetable seed company Rito Tohumculuk (Rito Seed)
August 5, 2016
Australia - New Seminis variety SV6239MF set to reinvigorate melon market
August 2, 2016
España - Sakata muestra sus novedades en Ferimel
July 27, 2016
Sakata Seed America Promotes Premium Golden Beet and Top Ranking LSL Cantaloupe, Infinite Gold, at PMA Foodservice Conference
España - Bayer conquista con sabor y amplitud de calendario a nuevos perfiles de consumidor de melón y sandía
July 25, 2016
Puma Personal watermelon and other special new varieties were showcased at Hazera’s International Open Days at Moshav Nir Chen, Israel
Innovation variétale chez Bayer : La gamme de melon charentais Fus-Innov se dévoile dans les champs
July 21, 2016
Sweet melon, summer squash - OriGene Seeds holds its traditional annual seed variety presentation on at it's Bnei Darom Research & Development station (Israel Agri)
July 18, 2016
España - Global Melon&Watermelon Event'16 - Rijk Zwaan presentó las tendencias e innovaciones que responden a las necesidades de toda la cadena agroalimentaria durante los días 11 y 12 de julio en la finca de investigación RZ El Arquillo, Cartagena
July 17, 2016
Improved shelf life melon at IFAMA 2016 - KeyGene presented the workshop "New crops for the future: Disruptive innovations for Food Security"
July 13, 2016
Competidores de España en el mercado europeo de melón (Horto Info)
July 11, 2016
Bayer is committed to flavour and new formats to boost the European melon and watermelon market
July 7, 2016
Syngenta reúne en Murcia a productores y compradores de melón y sandía de todo el mundo para evaluar sus nuevas variedades
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