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March 20, 2018
Leaf curl viruses on tomato and cucurbits in Sicily, Italy
February 23, 2018
Saborea los melones de Enza Zaden
Gummy stem blight on cucurbits in Northeastern China
February 9, 2018
Tendencias: Semillas Fitó centra su propuesta en cuatro innovaciones - La casa de semillas apuesta por adelantarse a los fenómenos que marcarán la alimentación del futuro (La Voz de Almería)
January 3, 2018
Melons on show at the Semins research station in Woodland, California
December 12, 2017
Australia'sNational Plant Protection Organization reviews import conditions for cucurbit seed, stakeholder feedback sought
December 6, 2017
The story behind one of the most successful melon varieties on the market
November 27, 2017
Hazera’s varieties in Africa – Angola
November 16, 2017
Taste is back on the front burner for vegetable breeders (Growing Produce)
October 26, 2017
Catalogue des variétés de melon Syngenta France : une gamme complète qui répond à vos besoins
October 23, 2017
Syngenta Deutschlands Ratgeber Gemüse 2018/2019 erschienen
October 22, 2017
Tamarillo o tomate de árbol, bitter melón o melón amargo, berenjena thai, mini tomates o coles picudas dulces se han mostrado en la feria Fruit Attraction (Sur Digital)
October 20, 2017
Fruit Attraction 2017 - Otro año más un gran éxito de Seminis y De Ruiter
September 28, 2017
Exploring an ancient event in pumpkin, gourd and melon evolution
11 tasty cantaloupe and other melon varieties worth trying (Growing Produce)
September 27, 2017
Nunhems France - Notre catalogue général des variétés potagères et le catalogue salade sont en ligne
September 5, 2017
Melone: grande qualità e produttività confermate per Solgem RZ - Promesse mantenute per la nuova varietà di melone
Improving U.S. melon crop focus of $4.4 million study at Texas A&M AgriLife Research
August 17, 2017
Quebec monks bring back Oka melon created 100 years ago by their forefathers (The Star)
July 26, 2017
Italia - Zucchino, melone e anguria, le novità Syngenta (AgroNotizie)
July 23, 2017
Huge success for Clause 4th international Open Days held in Amman, Jordan
July 18, 2017
España - Syngenta muestra el potencial de Red Jasper y Kasmira, y en piel de sapo Airén
Enza Zaden celebró la Melon House Fair en su centro de investigación en Murcia
July 13, 2017
Spain - Full line up and diversity for export markets during the HM.Clause special export Melon and Watermelon Event 2017 in Murcia
July 11, 2017
Segunda edición de Fitoweek Murcia 2017
La exportación mundial de melón bate el récord histórico y se acerca a los 2.300 millones de kilos (Horto Info)
July 7, 2017
Bayer presenta en Cartagena nuevas resistencias a insectos vectores en melón y una línea de sandía mini para ecológico - Los mercados destacan a Nunhems como el referente del sabor en melón y sandía
June 23, 2017
Pacific Trellis Fruit/Dulcinea Farms and Syngenta Seeds, LLC continue partnership (And Now You Know)
June 20, 2017
España - Rijk Zwaan le ofrece la oportunidad de participar en el "Global Melon & Watermelon Event", los días 5 y 6 de julio de 2017
June 16, 2017
Enza Zaden's Melon House Fair 2017: creating flavour experiences Melon House Fair Spanje: unieke smaakbeleving Creando experiencias de sabor
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