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News archive 1997-2008
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PacBio)

January 3, 2020

Illumina and Pacific Biosciences announce termination of merger agreement

November 2, 2018

Illumina to acquire Pacific Biosciences for approximately $1.2 billion, broadening access to long-read sequencing and accelerating scientific discovery

September 14, 2018

Large-scale global genome projects choose PacBio sequencing to help decode life - High-quality reference genomes for thousands of plant, animal and microbial species to be created using SMRT sequencing

July 11, 2018

Pacific Biosciences selected for National Science Foundation project to rapidly sequence maize pangenome - SMRT sequencing chosen for ambitious effort to generate reference genomes for 26 maize lines

May 22, 2018

Phase Genomics and Pacific Biosciences announce the release of co-developed genome assembly phasing software - 'FALCON-Phase' - New open-source algorithm produces phased diploid genome assemblies

April 9, 2018

Rice revelations: nine new genome assemblies uncover key traits and evolutionary clues

April 5, 2018

New Magnaporthe oryzae assembly reveals importance of previously missed transposable elements

January 15, 2018

When a single reference is not enough

December 21, 2017

New assembly of wheat progenitor offers clues to genome evolution

December 12, 2017

Creating an epigenetic barcode to accurately characterize microbial communities

November 1, 2017

Iso-Seq analysis of polyploid cotton yields important discoveries for fiber breeding

July 20, 2017

‘A quiet revolution’: SMRT sequencing powers increasing genome assembly quality

July 19, 2017

New assembly for complex bread wheat genome: 10 times higher contiguity

June 27, 2017

Iso-seq data supports annotation efforts for key crops wheat and barley

Iso-seq data supports annotation efforts for key crops wheat and barley

June 13, 2017

New maize reference genome will support crop improvement programs

June 7, 2017

At CROPS 2017, SMRT sequencing powers reference plant genome assemblies

March 8, 2017

High-quality, chromosome-scale quinoa genome valuable for breeding better crops

October 18, 2016

New Falcon tools enable diploid assemblies from SMRT sequencing data

August 2, 2016

SMRT Sequencing accurately detects gene copy numbers in complex maize genome

July 12, 2016

First comprehensive view of alternative splicing in sorghum powered by SMRT sequencing

June 26, 2016

Iso-Seq study reveals more complexity than expected in maize transcriptome

June 10, 2016

Case study: Institute for Genome Sciences expands long-read capabilities with sequel system

May 26, 2016

Save the spuds: UK team identifies blight-resistance genes with SMRT sequencing

May 17, 2016

Arizona scientists deploy BAC expertise and SMRT sequencing for crop genomes

March 24, 2016

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory scientists discuss long-read sequencing for more contiguous assemblies and complex genomes

February 12, 2016

PacBio AGBT 2016 workshop live

February 8, 2016

Discover the art of SMRT sequencing: the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) conference kicks off this week

January 27, 2016

A genome galaxy not so far away

January 22, 2016

From genetic diagnosis to a career in genomics research - An interview with Jim Lupski

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