July 30, 2019
Environmental impacts of California tomato cultivation and processing (Tomato News)
July 16, 2019
Argentina's potential for the processing tomato industry (Tomato News) Le potentiel de la filière industrielle de la tomate en Argentine
July 9, 2019
Breeding: The CRISPR-Cas9 method (Tomato News) Sélection: La méthode CRISPR-Cas9
May 31, 2019
Organic products: the market is still tentative (Tomato News)
May 24, 2019
The Tomato News conference: a successful first edition Conférence Tomato News : une première couronnée de succès
May 21, 2019
Infrared: broadening the industry focus beyond just the Brix value (Tomato News)
Architecture of the worldwide tomato products trade in 2017/2018 (Tomato News)
April 16, 2019
Organic tomato processing in Italy (Tomato News)
March 26, 2019
The tomato processing industry will meet at Cibus Tec in October 2019 (Tomato News)
February 26, 2019
California: Tomato spotted wilt virus overcoming resistant genes (Tomato News)
December 12, 2018
Vegetable grafting webinar series
November 12, 2018
The 2018 processing tomato season: a negative year for the industry, according to the ANICAV (Tomato News) Campagne 2018 : année négative pour la filière, selon l'ANICAV
November 8, 2018
Developing a new tomato grafting machine (Tomato News)
November 7, 2018
October 16, 2018
France: the Tom'ability project - Water-saving agricultural practices are compatible with high quality tomato products France : le projet Tom'ability - Des pratiques culturales économes en eau compatibles avec des dérivés de tomate de qualité
August 15, 2018
The architecture of global trade of tomato products in 2016-2017 (Tomato News)
August 3, 2018
Italy - Associazione Nazionale Industriali Conserve Alimentari Vegetali (ANICAV): "Relaunching the tomato industry" (Tomato News) « Relancer la tomate d'industrie »
August 2, 2018
European Union: a significant drop in tomato production expected in 2018 (Tomato News)
July 27, 2018
15th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato (Tomato News) 15ème Symposium ISHS sur la tomate d'industrie
Future prospects for North America processed tomato (Tomato News) Perspectives d'avenir pour la tomate transformée en Amérique du Nord
June 22, 2018
World Processing Tomato Council elects Dimitris Nomikos as its new President
June 13, 2018
Processing tomato - Architecture of trade 2016-2017: Introduction (Tomato News) Tomates industrielles - Architecture des échanges 2016-2017: Introduction
Components and patterns of worldwide tomato consumption, worldwide trade (Tomato News) Consommation globale de tomates : composantes et tendances, échanges mondiaux
May 24, 2018
Tuta absoluta: the threat extends, solutions multiply (Tomato News)
13th World Processing Tomato Congress & 15th ISHS Symposium: program and speakers
May 9, 2018
Research: How a tomato ripens? New ‘Tomato Expression Atlas’ dives deep into the fruit’s flesh Comment une tomate mûrit - Le nouvel 'Atlas d'Expression des Tomates' plonge au plus profond du fruit
May 4, 2018
Full program of the 15th ISHS Symposium on the Processing Tomato Programme complet du 15e Symposium ISHS sur la tomate d'industrie
May 2, 2018
The world's Top40 biggest processing companies
April 9, 2018
Tomato resistance-breaking TSWV detected in 2018 Virus TSWV: une souche indifférente à la résistance identifiée en 2018
March 13, 2018
Tomato content positively influenced by deficit irrigation (Tomato News) Le contenu des tomates profiterait d'un déficit d'irrigation
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