March 28, 2017
The Sindh Seed Council (SSC) will assess 22 new seed types of different crops, including 9 of cotton for general cultivation, to improve per acre production of major cash crop, The SSC is organized to meet and to be lead by provincial agriculture minister where new varieties would be considered for consent. After the approval from the SSC, Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department would issue certificates and new types would be made available for general cultivation.
Official sources declared that there are 62 cotton seed varieties in the country sanctioned for general cultivation, while with the approval of 9 new varieties, the number would be brought to a total of 71 cotton seed varieties.
Other seed varieties to be assess in the meeting include wheat (5), sugarcane (3), mango (2), lentil (1) and okra (1). The new cotton seed varieties included: Tarzan-1(Bt cotton), Leader-3 (Bt cotton) CRIS-533 (Bt cotton), CRIS-510 (Bt cotton), TH-21/09 (Bt cotton), cris-508 (Bt cotton) and Th-120 (non-Bt cotton). The sugarcane included Thatta-2109, Thatta-326, NIA-2012, wheat seed included Sindhu, SKD-II, TJ-2016, and others included Langra (mango), Sindhri (mango), Rani (okra) and NIA-sahara-2013 (lentil).
The Punjab Seed Council (PSC) last week approved eight new seed varieties of cotton to enhance per acre production. There is a dire need for introducing new varieties of BT and non-BT cotton seed, as unregistered and uncertified seed is grown by the farmers.