January 27, 2025
Produttore condannato a sei mesi per aver messo a dimora piante di pomodoro San Marzano protette (Fresh Plaza) Salerno, Italy - Producer sentenced to six months for planting protected San Marzano tomato plants
May 28, 2024
13 organizations sign historic agreement to fight illegal seed practices
January 17, 2024
España - El Tribunal de Apelaciones confirma la condena de prisión contra un agricultor por reproducción ilegal de plantas de tomate (fhalmeria.com) Farmer sentenced to prison for the illegal breeding of a protected tomato variety
March 2, 2022
Sicily - Two convicted of the illegal reproduction of protected tomato plants in the province of Ragusa
February 10, 2022
Coltivavano pomodoro coperto da brevetto, condannate due aziende di Ragusa (Gazzetta del Sud)
October 27, 2016
Anti-Infringement Bureau for IP Rights on Plant Material (AIB) awarded for fight against IP Piracy in plant material Un merecido reconocimiento para la Asociación contra la Infracción de la Propiedad Intelectual para los Derechos en Materia de Plantas (AIB)
October 24, 2016
Anti-Infringement Bureau for Intellectual Property Rights on Plant Material (AIB), Nunhems Netherlands B.V., Bejo Zaden B.V. and Novisem B.V. amicably end their legal procedure in the Dutch courts
November 22, 2015
Zaadbedrijven bevechten elkaar om kwekersrecht (Boerenbusiness.nl)
November 20, 2015
Sortenschutzrechte niederländischer Unternehmen gerichtlich bestätigt (Proplanta)
November 19, 2015
Fundamental decision on plant breeders rights by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands Principiële uitspraak inzake Kwekersrecht door de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden
July 20, 2015
Le aziende del settore orticolo professionale investono in ricerca fino al 25% dei ricavi netti - Nuova campagna di Assosementi, “Un seme, una pianta”, contro la diffusione delle pratiche illegali di riproduzione vegetativa in orticoltura
"Un seme, una pianta" contro le illegalità nel settore orticolo - Nuova campagna di Assosementi, insieme a AIB e Road to quality
May 14, 2014
Anti Infringement Bureau and Breeders Trust sign agreement with Italian Ministry of Agriculture AIB en Breeders Trust ondertekenen overeenkomst met Italiaanse Ministerie van Landbouw Mipaaf: firmato tra Icqrf, Cra e associazioni di aziende accordo di collaborazione nel settore sementiero
March 18, 2013
Netherlands: Alleged infringement on plant variety rights seizure at seed company Novisem (Fresh Plaza)
January 24, 2013
Le piratage des semences potagères nuit aux semenciers français. AIB, le bureau anti-contrefaçon lutte contre ce phénomène (Le Paysan Tarnais)
December 5, 2012
Rijk Zwaan wins landmark case against illegal reproduction Rijk Zwaan ottiene un importante successo contro la riproduzione illegale Rijk Zwaan boekt belangrijk succes tegen illegale vermeerdering
January 15, 2012
Plant Breeders’ Rights revenue ensures future innovation
December 15, 2011
Impetus through the Anti Infringement Bureau (AIB)
June 30, 2011
Workshop of intellectual property protection
June 6, 2011
Chain cooperation in fight against illegal vegetable seeds
May 31, 2011
AIB signs co-operation agreement with leading seed enhancement and coating companies
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