June 2, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 155 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of canola genetically modified for omega-3 oil content (DHA canola) from Nuseed Pty Ltd
May 15, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 153 - Limited and controlled release of sorghum genetically modified for grain quality traits – University of Queensland
May 1, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 151 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for field trial of genetically modified wheat - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for disease resistance, drought tolerance, altered oil content and altered grain composition - CSIRO
April 26, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 152: Invitation to comment on genetically modified wheat and barley field trial – Comments close on 07 June 2017
February 23, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 153 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of sorghum genetically modified for grain quality traits – University of Queensland
February 20, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 150 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for field trial of genetically modified potato - Queensland University of Technology
February 15, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 152 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvement - University of Adelaide
February 14, 2017
DIR 149 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for field trial of genetically modified Indian mustard (Juncea canola) - Nuseed Pty. Ltd.
February 8, 2017
Australian OGTR - DIR 151 - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for disease resistance, drought tolerance, altered oil content and altered grain composition - CSIRO
January 23, 2017
Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator - DIR 147 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Monsanto Australia Limited
December 20, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 145 - Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial release of genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance - Monsanto Australia Limited
December 9, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 143 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd
December 6, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 150 - Limited and controlled release of potato genetically modified for disease resistance – Queensland University of Technology - Invitation to comment on genetically modified potato field trial – comments close on 17 January 2017
November 29, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 149: Limited and controlled release of Indian mustard genetically modified for altered oil content – Nuseed Pty Ltd
November 22, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 147 - Invitation to comment on genetically modified cotton field trial – comments close on 4 January 2017
November 17, 2016
Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator - DIR 151 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for disease resistance, drought tolerance, altered oil content and altered grain composition
October 17, 2016
Australia - General advice from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator on coverage of new technologies
September 12, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 150 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of potato genetically modified for disease resistance – Queensland University of Technology
September 7, 2016
Australian OGTR - New DIR licence application form for the commercial release of GM plants and minor revisions to application forms for other licences and commercial confidential information.
August 31, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 145 - Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance from Monsanto Australia Limited
August 17, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 147 - Notification of Licence Application: Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Monsanto Australia Limited
August 8, 2016
Australia's OGTR - DIR 143, Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance (Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd) - Invitation to comment on commercial release of genetically modified cotton
May 5, 2016
Australia - Call for nominations for the 2017-20 membership of the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee. Nominations close on 3 June 2016
April 19, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 142 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for field trial of genetically modified wheat - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for enhanced nitrogen use efficiency and water use efficiency - Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR)
April 7, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 145 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance from Monsanto Australia Ltd.
March 29, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 139 Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial release of genetically modified canola from Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia Pty Ltd.
March 22, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 138 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial release of genetically modified canola
February 26, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 143 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of cotton from Bayer CropScience genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
February 3, 2016
Australian OGTR - DIR 142 - Invitation to comment on genetically modified wheat field trial – comments close on 16 March 2016
December 11, 2015
Australian OGTR - DIR 139 - Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance – Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia Pty Ltd
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