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News archive 1997-2008
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR)

October 19, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 118 - Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for herbicide tolerance

October 11, 2012

In memoriam – Professor Nancy Millis, 1922-2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 117- Notification of GM wheat and barley field trial licence application

September 20, 2012

Australia OGTR - In light of recent public interest the fact sheet 'GM wheat field trial approvals' has been updated

July 27, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 115 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced fibre yield

May 21, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 115 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced fibre yield

May 14, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 114 - Notice of decision on GM canola field trial: Limited and controlled release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance

April 30, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 113, Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance - Notice of decision on GM cotton field trial

March 21, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 112 - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition and nutrient utilisation efficiency

February 22, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 115 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced fibre yield

February 17, 2012

Australian OGTR - License application DIR 111 from CSIRO - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition, nutrient utilisation efficiency, disease resistance or stress tolerance

February 13, 2012

Australian OGTR - DIR 113 from Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd - Invitation to comment on a consultation Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for the limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance

December 30, 2011

Australia permite el comercio de colza transgénica

December 22, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 112 - Invitation to comment on a consultation Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for the limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition and enhanced nutrient utilisation efficiency

December 6, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 111 - Invitation to comment on a consultation Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for the limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition, nutrient utilisation efficiency, disease resistance or stress tolerance

December 2, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 108 - Notification of decision to issue a licence - Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance and a hybrid breeding system (GM In Vigor® x Roundup Ready® canola)

November 17, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 114 - Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance

Australian OGTR - DIR 113 - Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance

September 19, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 112 - Notification of licence application - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition and enhanced nutrient utilisation efficiency

September 7, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 111 - Notification of licence application - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition, nutrient utilisation efficiency, disease resistance or stress tolerance

September 2, 2011

Australian OGTR - Guidelines for the transport, storage and disposal of GMOs

August 23, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 108 - Invitation to comment on a consultation Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for the commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance and a hybrid breeding system (GM InVigor® x Roundup Ready® canola)

July 7, 2011

Australian OGTR: GM wheat - facts about approved field trials

June 20, 2011

Australia - Gene Technology Amendment Regulations 2011 made by the Commonwealth Administrator and the Guidelines of the Transport, Storage and Disposal of GMOs issued by the Gene Technology Regulator - both commence 1 September 2011

April 11, 2011

Australia - Hexima Limited withdraws its licence application for the limited and controlled release of genetically modified cotton for fungal control

April 6, 2011

Discussion paper of Australia's Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee - Environmental ethics as it relates to gene technology in Australia

March 28, 2011

New appointments Australia's Gene Technology Advisory Committees 2011 - 2014

March 17, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 108 - Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance and a hybrid breeding system (GM InVigor x Roundup Ready® canola)

March 3, 2011

Australian OGTR - DIR 110: Notification of licence application - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for fungal control

January 20, 2011

Australian OGTR - Invitation to comment on draft revised Guidelines for the Transport, Storage and Disposal of GMOs

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