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News archive 1997-2008
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR)

November 20, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 138 - Commercial release of canola genetically modified for dual herbicide tolerance and a hybrid breeding system – Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd

November 5, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 142 - Notification of licence application - Field trial of genetically modified wheat - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for enhanced nitrogen use efficiency and water use efficiency - Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR)

October 8, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 134 - Notice of decision to issue a licence for commercial import and distribution of genetically modified carnation cut-flowers

September 11, 2015

Australia - Community attitudes to gene technology – Report of a 2015 survey conducted by Instinct and Reaso

September 4, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 136 – Notice of decision to issue a licence for field trial of genetically modified cotton - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced fibre quality – CSIRO

August 3, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 135 - Limited and controlled release of sugarcane genetically modified for enhanced sugar content – The University of Queensland

July 27, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 139 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance from Pioneer Hi-Bred Australia

July 8, 2015

DIR 134 - Invitation to comment on commercial import and distribution of genetically modified carnation cut-flowers

June 24, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 136: Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced fibre quality – CSIRO

June 18, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 138 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of canola genetically modified for dual herbicide tolerance and a hybrid breeding system 

May 11, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 133, Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd

April 17, 2015

Australian OGTR - Invitation to comment on a draft licence application form for the commercial release of GM plants

March 26, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 136 - Notification of licence application - Field trial of genetically modified cotton

March 3, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 130 - Notice of decision to issue a licence – Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for improved grain quality – Murdoch University

February 26, 2015

Australian OGTR - Invitation to comment on a genetically modified (GM) cotton field trial - DIR 133 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd

February 17, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 131 - Notice of decision to issue a licence – Limited and controlled field trial of safflower genetically modified for high oleic acid composition – CSIRO

January 22, 2015

Australian OGTR - DIR 134 - Commercial import and distribution of genetically modified carnations with altered flower colour – International Flower Developments Pty. Ltd.

December 10, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 130 - Invitation to comment on genetically modified wheat field trial - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for improved grain quality – Murdoch University

November 21, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 133 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance – Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd

Australian OGTR - Issue of licence DIR 127 to Monsanto Australia Ltd for the commercial release of GM canola

November 13, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 131 - Limited and controlled release of safflower genetically modified for high oleic acid composition – CSIRO

September 19, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 130 - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for improved grain quality – Murdoch University

August 25, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 131 - Limited and controlled release of safflower genetically modified for high oleic acid composition – CSIRO

August 6, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 128 - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for abiotic stress tolerance or micronutrient uptake - The University of Adelaide

July 24, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 127 - Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance, Monsanto Australia Limited

June 27, 2014

Australia OGTR - DIR 124 - Commercial release of cotton genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance - Issue of licence DIR 124 to Monsanto Australia Ltd for the commercial release of GM cotton

April 16, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 128 - Invitation to comment on genetically modified wheat and barley field trial - Limited and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for abiotic stress tolerance or micronutrient uptake - The University of Adelaide

March 19, 2014

Australia OGTR - DIR 124 - Invitation to comment on commercial release of genetically modified cotton

February 27, 2014

Australian )GTR - DIR 127 - Notification of Licence Application: Commercial release of canola genetically modified for herbicide tolerance, from Monsanto Australia Ltd.

January 31, 2014

Australian OGTR - DIR 121 - Invitation to comment on proposed extension to genetically modified safflower field trial

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