November 26, 2012
USA - New threat to spinach seed imports: phomopsis
November 15, 2012
USA - The Accord: Generic Event Marketability and Access Agreement is now effective
October 31, 2012
Biotechnology Industry Organization and American Seed Trade Association announce that the Generic Event Marketability and Access Agreement (GEMAA) is now open for signature
October 5, 2012
American Seed Trade Association asks U.S. Congress to clarify language preventing undue seed industry regulation
Leslie Cahill steps down from her position as Vice President of Government Affairs at the American Seed Trade Association
September 5, 2012
Breeding and seed technology to be emphasized at California workshop
August 24, 2012
U.S./China seed forum to be held at the American Seed Trade Association's CSS 2012 & Seed Expo in December
August 16, 2012
U.S. Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) announces the launch of the Organic Seed Finder, a web-based organic seed database
July 16, 2012
American Seed Trade Association names new officers: Blake Curtis, Craig Newman and John Schoenecker
July 13, 2012
Tim Johnson elected President of the International Seed Federation
July 2, 2012
American Seed Trade Association elects new officers and division chairs to chart the seed industry’s course
June 26, 2012
American Seed Trade Association reviews global markets and policies for seed
Indiana legend Sonny Beck named Honorary Member by American Seed Trade Association
American seed industry recognizes Mark Seem with Distinguished Service Award
Chinese delegation visits United States to learn about seed industry programs
June 23, 2012
American Seed Research Foundation recognizes Rodrigo Pedrozo of Kansas State University with the Roger Krueger Memorial Scholarship
June 22, 2012
USA - Cassie Misch honored with Future Giants of the Seed Industry Award
June 21, 2012
American Seed Trade Association and USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service co-host Conservation Seed Workshop
U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Vilsack challenges seed industry
U.S. seed experts storm Capitol Hill to discuss issues important to the industry
June 8, 2012
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture scheduled to speak at the 129th Annual Convention of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
May 1, 2012
Lab to the Bag educational unit provides an overview of the U.S. seed industry
April 26, 2012
Italia - ritardi per il registro nazionale - Alarme di Assosementi: 'A rischio risorse importanti'. Il presidente Marchesini auspica una tempistica più consona alle epoche di semina (AgroNotizie)
April 12, 2012
USA - More funding necessary for Germplasm Enhancement of Maize program
March 31, 2012
Environmental and Conservation Seed Workshop to be held during Annual Convention of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
March 23, 2012
Effective supply chain strategies for seed discussed at ASTA Management Academy
March 12, 2012
Syngenta and the American Seed Trade Association provide meals for Chicago community
March 2, 2012
U.S. farmers learn about transferring seed technology once patents expire
February 29, 2012
American Seed Trade Association and Canadian Seed Trade Association to cohost educational unit focused on cereal, seed and grain trade
February 17, 2012
U.S. seed industry represented at Chinese Intellectual Property Rights Symposium
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