September 29, 2015
USA - Students flex their weed science muscles during 2015 National Collegiate Competition
September 4, 2015
Study demonstrates the effectiveness of post-harvest controls for glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth
July 22, 2015
USA - Could Palmer amaranth, the South’s most troublesome weed, represent a threat to the Midwest Farm Belt?
June 8, 2015
Scientists advocate a community-based approach to herbicide resistance management
June 3, 2015
USA - Survey shows growers responding to glyphosate resistance with more diversified weed management programs
May 27, 2015
Geography a stronger indicator of weed diversity than glyphosate-resistant crop trait
April 28, 2015
Weed scientists offer new definition for “superweed”
March 31, 2015
Insecticide treatments in combination with herbicides cause crop injury and yield loss
March 7, 2015
Mississippi State University graduate student wins inaugural national weed science award
February 27, 2015
Special issue of Weed Science magazine offers a comprehensive reference of research methods in weed science
February 26, 2015
USA - Initiative nurtures women pursuing weed science careers
February 16, 2015
USA - National Invasive Species Awareness Week promotes education and involvement
February 10, 2015
Weed Science Society of America names 2015 award winners
January 6, 2015
Updated weed management software offers 10-year impact of farming decisions
January 2, 2015
Release criteria for biological weed control agents should include benefit and risk
December 17, 2014
Lower seeding rates of soybean can be combined with pre-emergence herbicide
November 21, 2014
USA - Weed science societies focus on the future during upcoming annual meetings
November 13, 2014
Avoiding herbicide resistance - Worried weed scientists gather to discuss the future of weed control without new chemistry (Grainews)
November 11, 2014
Combinations of herbicide treatments and timing show success against cogongrass
November 6, 2014
USA - Farmers battle herbicide resistance with harvest-time weed seed controls
October 20, 2014
Summit on the “wicked” problem of herbicide resistance now available online
October 9, 2014
Weed scientists uproot common “superweed” myths
September 29, 2014
Large amounts of weed seed present at crop harvest offer weed control opportunity
September 15, 2014
USA - The Pesticide Safety Education Program reaches a 50-year milestone
August 25, 2014
Weed Science Society of America announces agenda for herbicide resistance summit, plans live webcast
August 18, 2014
Weed Science Society of America updates popular herbicide handbook
August 12, 2014
Survey examines weed management selection among Midwest U.S. organic growers
July 30, 2014
New training modules on herbicide resistance now available from the Weed Science Society of America
May 15, 2014
USA - Weed Science Society of America to sponsor Second National Summit on Herbicide Resistance
May 8, 2014
Rapid spread of resistant weeds shows need for zero tolerance weed control
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