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News archive 1997-2008
University of Kentucky

October 10, 2011

High commodity prices could mean lower wheat acreage in Kentucky

September 6, 2011

Breeding more scab resistant wheat

April 25, 2011

University of Kentucky plant biochemist receives nearly $1 million grant from USDA to engineer plants to produce unique oils suitable for manufacturing combustible fuels and other petrochemical-like materials including nylon, paints and plastics

March 28, 2011

University of Kentucky researchers find a key to plant disease resistance

January 14, 2011

University of Kentucky corn silage variety trials can aid in 2011 planting decisions

January 4, 2011

University of Kentucky switchgrass study at a crossroads

December 17, 2010

University of Kentucky recommendations hold up in soybean study

October 1, 2010

Green bean research spans multiple departments at University of Kentucky College of Agriculture

September 20, 2010

University of Kentucky weed scientists tackle glyphosate resistance problems

September 17, 2010

Soybean yield loss prediction tool for managing soybean rust

August 30, 2010

Pre-planting decisions critical to a successful wheat growing season

June 30, 2010

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture research shaping the plant genome

June 29, 2010

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture research studies shaping the plant genome

February 3, 2010

University of Kentucky researcher on ground floor of biofuels study

January 27, 2010

Kentucky Alfalfa Conference celebrates 30 years

December 16, 2009

Research aims to make poinsettias more durable, longer lasting

University of Kentucky Grain Crops Academy expands

Extension meeting connects vegetable growers with University of Kentucky specialists

November 18, 2009

Scientists reflect on 25 years of no-till wheat research

October 14, 2009

University of Kentucky plant pathologist plans to help improve food production worldwide

September 30, 2009

Grazing conference offers cutting-edge information

September 15, 2009

Update on fungicides for "plant health"

August 5, 2009

Pre-planting decisions critical in getting good stand establishment, managing fusarium head blight in wheat

July 22, 2009

Onion research highlighted at University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension vegetable field day

June 24, 2009

University of Kentucky study shows which zinnia cultivar attracts the most butterflies

January 21, 2009

29th Kentucky Alfalfa Conference explores the many facets of alfalfa

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