April 4, 2016
Testing and planning key to breaking the root lesion nematode cycle
Time of sowing focus needed for faba beans
April 1, 2016
Log in to learn about feathertop Rhodes grass control
March 31, 2016
Herbicide tolerance set to have pulses racing ahead of weeds
March 15, 2016
Neue Resistenzen-Kooperation zwischen Bayer und dem australischen Grains Research & Development Corporation
March 14, 2016
Queensland, Australia - Fusarium wilt raises its head in mungbean crops
March 13, 2016
Aussies go on global herbicide hunt - A hand-picked team of some of Australia’s best and brightest young chemists is tackling a problem costing grain growers $3.27 billion a year (The West Australian)
March 10, 2016
Incoming GRDC chief Steve Jeffries promises value for levy (The Weekly Times)
March 9, 2016
Bayer and the Grains Research & Development Corporation celebrate launch of Herbicide Innovation Partnership Bayer und die Grains Research & Development Corporation feiern Startschuss einer fünfjährigen Partnerschaft
GRDC helps Queensland growers with wheat variety selection
March 8, 2016
GRDC’s investment in water use efficiency pays off
March 2, 2016
GRDC honours young researcher from Sydney University’s Plant Breeding Institute
Australia - Professor Mike Bell awarded top grains industry honour
March 1, 2016
GRDC appoints Managing Director
February 29, 2016
Integrated weed seed destruction technology moves to commercial phase with de Bruin
Agricultural consultant named 2016 Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Western Region Seed of Light winner
Australian Grain Technologies, Australia’s largest plant breeding company, to take on lupins
February 25, 2016
Australian growers urged to weigh up back-to-back chickpea risks
February 24, 2016
GRDC strives to close the yield gap
February 16, 2016
Australia - Dual purpose crops offer a win-win for growers
February 15, 2016
Australia - Protect your ‘planting’ seed this summer
February 11, 2016
Western Australia - Wheat variety drought tolerance duty to assist growers
GRDC progresses northern research needs
February 10, 2016
Grains researcher Dr James Hunt receives GRDC's Southern Region Seed of Light award for communication efforts
Australia - A better understanding of canola needed
February 9, 2016
Tiny bugs tackle big crop disease problems
Australia - Superior crop sequences a winner for farm profitability
February 1, 2016
Summer grains set to take centre stage in March at the 2016 Australian Summer Grains Conference
January 29, 2016
Australia - Feathertop Rhodes grass is on the move and is glyphosate resistant
January 27, 2016
Australia - GRDC-funded Horsham workshop to get to the root of cereal diseases
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