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News archive 1997-2008
PhytoGen Seed Company LLC

January 5, 2017

USA - PhytoGen releases seven new varieties with the Enlist cotton trait for 2017 - Cash back available for growers planting PhytoGen brand varieties with new Residual Rewards

January 3, 2017

U.S. cotton producers harvest first PhytoGen brand variety with Enlist trait - Excitment builds as industry awaits additional varieties in 2017

August 30, 2016

Texas - Cotton companies to host field days - Field days in Lubbock, Lorenzo, Seminole, other towns (Lubbock Online)

July 13, 2016

U.S. cotton producers have access to upland cotton varieties with Acala-like fiber quality - PhytoGen cottonseed offers superior turnout and high yields for improved profitability

June 30, 2016

PhytoGen awards grand-prize, regional winners in Best Yielder Club Sweepstakes - North Carolina cotton grower wins grand-prize package

April 8, 2016

Texas farmer first to plant PhytoGen brand variety with the Enlist cotton trait - Newest technology in cottonseed expands yield protection options

February 26, 2016

PhytoGen expands West Texas portfolio - Newest additions deliver legendary early season vigor

January 13, 2016

First PhytoGen brand variety with Enlist cotton trait available for 2016 season - PHY 490 W3FE expands effective weed control options, provides growers a tool to address resistance issues

January 8, 2016

Mississippi State University's Associate Extension Professor Darrin Dodds wins Dr. J. Tom Cothren Outstanding Young Cotton Physiologist Award during Beltwide Cotton Conferences

December 3, 2015

PhytoGen brand cottonseed varieties raise standards for yield and quality - New 2016 varieties build on excellent genetics for high yield and exceptional quality

July 31, 2015

PhytoGen awards grand-prize, regional winners in Best Yielder Club sweepstakes - Texas grower wins a trailer and pallet of PhytoGen® cottonseed

PhytoGen cottonseed portfolio provides whole-farm solutions - Expanded varieties produce high yield, quality cotton and increased profit potential

July 1, 2015

Ken Lege joins PhytoGen as cotton development specialist

April 29, 2015

PhytoGen brand cottonseed variety PHY 333 WRF leads multiple state trials - Seed available across the U.S. Cotton Belt for early to midmaturing variety

January 19, 2015

University of Georgia physiologist John Snider wins national award during the Beltwide Cotton Conferences

January 8, 2015

PhytoGen names successor for R&D leadership - Innovative cotton breeding and successful trait integration will continue

PhytoGen introduces 2015 cottonseed varieties with new yield protection traits

Manage root-knot nematodes with cotton varieties in the rotation

December 12, 2014

PhytoGen is gaining a foothold in the West Texas market (Cotton Grower)

Experts explain top factor for selecting cotton varieties (Southwest Farm Press)

October 21, 2013

USA - Root-knot nematode-resistant cotton variety will make debut in 2014 (Southeast Farm Press)

August 27, 2013

Dow AgroSciences aligns sales force for growth - Expanded sales organization will serve customers with greater focus

July 18, 2013

Dow AgroSciences names its in-plant, three-gene insect protection trait in cotton WideStrike 3 (AG Professional)

December 11, 2012

Dow AgroSciences names new cotton development specialist for PhytoGen (AgriMarketing)

November 17, 2011

PhytoGen offers full-season lineup of cotton varieties in 2012 (Ag Professional)

October 18, 2011

USA - PhytoGen brand PHY 375 WRF is the most planted cotton variety in 2011

January 26, 2011

USA - New herbicide resistant traits coming to cotton fields (Western Farm Press)

December 16, 2010

PhytoGen Seed Company launches improved website

November 15, 2010

Phytogen Seed Company builds market share (Cotton 24/7)

October 20, 2010

Bayer CropScience FiberMax brand of upland cotton was most popular in the U.S. for the 2010 growing season (Southwest Farm Press)

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