December 17, 2024
Study examines methods to track and quantify lettuce downy mildew (Horti Daily)
July 28, 2023
New institute develops 'smart breeding' method for more resilient crops - CropXR launched, Dutch Research Council (NWO) contributing €15 million Instituut ontwikkelt nieuwe methoden voor extra weerbare gewassen - CropXR officieel van start met NWO-bijdrage van 15 miljoen euro
March 16, 2023
Tiny worms, big damage: NWO grant for nematode research Kleine wormen, grote schade: NWO-subsidie voor aaltjesonderzoek
April 18, 2022
Dutch cabinet invests €42 million in CROP-XR institute for faster development of resilient agricultural crops Rijk investeert €42 miljoen in instituut CROP-XR voor snellere ontwikkeling van weerbare landbouwgewassen
September 20, 2021
Long-term strategic research: two consortia develop plans
The Netherlands - Plant scientists will use artificial intelligence to make crops more resilient - Clearance for $50 million programme proposal Plant-XR
September 17, 2020
Shortcut to breed better non-GMO crops - Utrecht University scientists discover fast-forward plant improvement technology Utrechtse wetenschappers ontdekken versnelde technologie om planten te verbeteren
August 9, 2020
Targeted plant hologenome editing for plant trait enhancement (New Phytologist)
September 11, 2019
Novel mechanism for flood tolerance in plants - Utrecht University biologists uncover a way to waterproof plants
September 2, 2019
€20 million for plant stress research - University of Amsterdam heads national consortium that will contribute to sustainable improvement of the global food supply
April 19, 2018
Dutch government awards funding to Netherlands Plant Eco-phenotyping Centre (NPEC) - Over 11 M€ for experimental plant science facilities NPEC in Utrecht and Wageningen
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