May 30, 2014
US Federal Register - Monsanto Company and Forage Genetics International; Availability of a plant pest risk assessment and environmental assessment for determination of nonregulated status of genetically engineered alfalfa
January 22, 2014
What breeders see in alfalfa's future - They're working to tap the legume's potential (Hay & Forage Grower)
November 24, 2013
GM lucerne is hot topic at Lucerne Australia symposium (North Queensland Register)
October 11, 2013
Nexgrow alfalfa wins again at the World Forage Analysis Superbowl - Nexgrow variety 6422Q takes Commercial Hay Grand Champion three years running
August 21, 2013
New biotech alfalfas aim to improve feeding efficiency (Western Farm Press)
May 17, 2013
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Biotechnology notices of submission project Projet des avis de demande d’approbation
May 15, 2013
NEXGROW alfalfa ships its millionth pound of top-selling alfalfa variety 6422Q in the current crop year
October 9, 2012
NEXGROW Alfalfa sweeps commercial hay at World Forage Analysis Superbowl
October 2, 2012
S&W Seed Company announces agreement with Monsanto and Forage Genetics
June 20, 2012
Forage Genetics International and Syngenta announce launch of NEXGROW alfalfa
January 28, 2011
USA - Alfalfa ruling should help Land O' Lakes (Star Tribune)
January 27, 2011
Roundup Ready alfalfa returning to U.S. market - USDA decision clears the way for forage genetics to sell seed for spring planting
December 16, 2010
USDA publishes Roundup Ready alfalfa Environmental Impact Statement - Action could clear the way for RRA sales by early 2011, says Forage Genetics International
November 5, 2010
US Federal Register - Forage Genetics International; supplemental request for partial deregulation of Roundup Ready alfalfa
October 22, 2010
Demonstrating quality alfalfa: safely boosting Chinese production
March 4, 2009
Noble Foundation and Forage Genetics International initiate collaboration to research improving alfalfa
News archive for this company
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