March 4, 2021
BASF strengthens innovation pipeline for sustainable agriculture BASF stärkt Innovationspipeline für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
February 26, 2021
BASF Group: Strong performance in Q4 2020 due to higher volumes and prices BASF-Gruppe: Starke Performance im vierten Quartal 2020 aufgrund höherer Mengen und Preise Grupo BASF: Sólido rendimiento en el cuarto trimestre de 2020 gracias a mayores volúmenes y precios
January 20, 2021
BASF Group releases preliminary figures for fourth quarter of 2020 and full year 2020 El Grupo BASF publica las cifras preliminares para el cuarto trimestre de 2020 y para todo el año 2020
November 12, 2020
Bosch and BASF establish joint venture for digital technologies in the agricultural sector Bosch e BASF firmam joint venture para o desenvolvimento de soluções digitais no setor agrícola
October 28, 2020
BASF Group increases EBIT before special items compared with second quarter of 2020, mainly driven by good business development in September
October 12, 2020
BASF to concentrate glufosinate-ammonium production
October 9, 2020
BASF Group releases preliminary figures for third quarter of 2020 and publishes outlook for full year 2020 BASF-Gruppe legt vorläufige Zahlen für das 3. Quartal 2020 vor und veröffentlicht Ausblick für das Gesamtjahr 2020
August 18, 2020
BASF Venture Capital invests in leading industrial artificial intelligence company
July 29, 2020
BASF Group: EBIT before special items declines in second quarter due to weaker demand as a result of the corona pandemic BASF-Gruppe: EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen sinkt im 2. Quartal aufgrund geringerer Nachfrage infolge der Corona-Pandemie Grupo BASF: el EBIT antes de extraordinarios disminuye durante el segundo trimestre por una caída de la demanda como consecuencia de la pandemia del COVID-19 Grupo BASF: EBIT antes de itens especiais diminui no segundo trimestre devido a uma demanda mais fraca como resultado da pandemia do coronavírus
July 28, 2020
BASF calculates CO2 footprint of all sales products BASF calcula la huella de CO2 de todos los productos de venta
July 27, 2020
Bosch and BASF found project house for smart seeding and fertilizing solutions Bosch e BASF fundam centro de projetos para soluções inteligentes de plantio e fertilização
July 23, 2020
U.S. appeals court allows sales of Corteva weed killer Enlist Duo, adding to edge over Bayer (Reuters)
July 13, 2020
First registration worldwide for BASF’s Tirexor herbicide in Australia
July 10, 2020
BASF Group: operating result in the second quarter of 2020 above market expectations; net income below market expectations due to impairment of shareholding in Wintershall Dea, mainly from oil and gas prices
July 7, 2020
BASF invests in next-generation farming for livestock producers with Cloudfarms’ digital platform solution
July 2, 2020
BASF Digital Farming to launch AI-based digital crop optimization platform with Zen-noh in Japan
BASF and Longping High-Tech enter partnership to support rice farmers in China
June 30, 2020
BASF and Win-All partner to develop new rice system for farmers in China
June 19, 2020
China attackiert Bayer und BASF - Unter dem Dach von Syngenta bündelt China die Geschäfte mit Pflanzenschutz, Saatgut und Düngemitteln - Das ist eine Kampfansage an die deutschen Schwergewichte (Handelsblatt)
June 18, 2020
Kurt Bock elected as new chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF SE, succeeding Jürgen Hambrecht, who is leaving the Supervisory Board as planned
June 10, 2020
BASF supports search for active ingredients to combat coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
May 29, 2020
BASF issues €2.0 billion in corporate bonds
April 30, 2020
BASF quarterly statement Q1 2020 - BASF Group shows resilience amid corona crisis with diversified portfolio and financial solidity BASF Quartalsmitteilung1. Quartal 2020 - BASF-Gruppe zeigt Widerstandsfähigkeit in der Corona- Krise mit diversifiziertem Portfolio und finanzieller Solidität
April 14, 2020
Germany - “Helping Hands” aid campaign: BASF donates over 100 million protective masks
April 9, 2020
BASF plans virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on June 18, 2020
March 23, 2020
TrinamiX launches mobile near infrared spectroscopy solution TrinamiX bringt mobile Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie-Lösung auf den Markt
March 17, 2020
BASF postpones Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
March 3, 2020
Graines Voltz to acquire Hild Samen business from BASF Graines Voltz übernimmt Hild Samen-Geschäft von BASF Graines Voltz acquiert le portefeuille d’activités de Hild Samen GmbH à BASF Graines Voltz neemt HILD Samen-activiteiten van BASF over
February 28, 2020
BASF’s new focused approach boosts agricultural innovation pipeline by 25%
BASF Group: EBIT before special items declines despite better development in all downstream segments BASF-Gruppe: EBIT vor Sondereinflüssen sinkt trotz besserer Entwicklung in allen verbrauchernahen Segmenten
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