September 12, 2018
Wheat rust outbreak could cost Australia up to $1.4 billion
November 21, 2017
ABARES survey reveals vegetable farm profits increase, number of farms decreases
June 13, 2013
Australia - Promising outlook for winter crops
April 10, 2013
Australia - Future planning for our $3bn vegetable growing farms
Australia - ABARES commences survey of vegetable growers to identify challenges and trends across the vegetable industry
February 18, 2011
ABARES tracks financial outcomes for Australia's A$3bn vegetable-growing industry
February 15, 2011
ABARES predicts winter crop will reach more than 42 million tonnes
December 7, 2010
Australia - Quality downgrades take gloss off large crop
April 30, 2010
ABARE begins third survey of Australian vegetable growers
March 2, 2010
Australian horticulture industry responds to change
December 8, 2009
Australia: Smaller area under summer crops in 2009-10
September 30, 2009
Australian vegetable farm incomes largely maintained in 2007/08, despite adverse seasonal conditions
News archive for this company
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