Protecting mini romaine lettuce throughout the entire production process is key to consumer satisfaction and crop marketability.
During the season, growers navigate challenges and work to avoid damage and yield loss to mini romaine. Some of the biggest quality challenges, however, come after the product leaves the field – in shipping, handling, and storage.
Because of these challenges, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds experts have created SolidRib™ that provides high yield potential and quality due to durability in shipping and handling and a long shelf life.
“These varieties are intended for winter production and provide good performance in yield and durability in shipping, storage, and handling,” said Jeremie Chabanis, Europe, Africa and Middle East Value Chain Head. “Better resistance in the leaves during handling from the field to packaging center reduces losses and browning of the leaves.”
Adaptable to Various Growing Conditions
SolidRib is less sensitive to changing weather conditions. Cutting-edge genetics also help protect yield potential all season long for a strong and reliable product. Growers can worry less during the growing season because SolidRib delivers the yield and quality they require in a mini romaine variety.
Better Harvestability
The unique architecture of SolidRib provides stronger ribs that prevent damage that may occur during harvest, shipping, and handling. Plus, the leaves are more resistant to potential damage, protecting quality at – and after – harvest to help increase profitability potential for growers.
Durability During Transportation
Transportation and handling can lead to losses before romaine hits grocery shelves. To help protect quality, SolidRib was bred to be a tougher product that stands up to rough nature that lettuce faces during handling. It can help reduce food losses that occur during transportation, packaging, and storage.
Improved Product Lifespan and Quality
In trials, SolidRib provided better quality over 10 days compared to other mini romaine varieties. The leaves offer better resistance to browning, reducing food waste. This expanded lifespan means more of the product makes it on consumer plates.
Great Tasting Product for Consumers
SolidRib mini romaine maintains its durability and quality from field to fork, meeting both grower and consumer needs. Growers get the yields they want, and consumers end up with the crisp, tasty product they expect.
Learn more: Syngenta Vegetable Seeds Lettuce and Leafy Vegetables