May 24, 2023
Dr. Ian Taylor and Peter Graham
Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD) is pleased to announce Dr. Ian Taylor as it’s new Chief Executive Officer.
Since the announcement of the current CSD Managing Director, Peter Graham's retirement last December, the CSD Board has been actively recruiting for a new Chief Executive Officer. This process was facilitated by Rimfire Resources.
The CSD CEO position created significant interest, with a mix of external, internal, and international candidates. After a rigorous interview process, the CSD Board has unanimously resolved to offer the position to Dr. Ian Taylor, who has accepted.
Ian is currently the Executive Director of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) based in Narrabri. During his 11 years at CRDC, Ian was a key player in the formation of the original CottonInfo team, then become the General Manager - Research and Development, before being promoted to the Executive Director role in 2019.
Prior to joining the CRDC, Ian was the Technology Development Lead for Monsanto in Australia and later promoted within Monsanto to the Technical Development and Stewardship Lead for the Asia Pacific area based in Singapore, where he managed a team working across many different cultures and countries.
It is planned for Ian to commence at CSD in early September 2023 to allow a transition period before Peter's retirement at the end of 2023.
Both the CSD & CRDC Boards will work closely together during this period of change to ensure a smooth transition.