Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in Ontario, Canada
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Tue 14 Mar 2023
Source: HortiDaily [summ. Mod.DHA, edited]
First detected in Canada in 2019 in Ontario, _Tomato brown rugose fruit virus_ (ToBRFV) hit hard again throughout the last 2022/23 growing season in southwestern Ontario tomato crops, leading to yield losses and the destruction of large amounts of produce. Glasshouse growers are struggling to develop a tomato variety resistant to this fast-spreading virus. ToBRFV is a global issue that can quickly affect yields and farming operations.
Communicated by:
[_Tomato brown rugose fruit virus_ (ToBRFV) was recently identified as a new member of the genus _Tobamovirus_ (type member _Tobacco mosaic virus_, TMV) in Jordan and soon after in Israel (see update links below). Since then, it has also been reported from Europe and the Mediterranean region, where it continues to spread (see links below), as well as from North America and China. It was shown to also affect capsicum and has been detected in both plants and seeds of both crops. ToBRFV symptoms on tomato vary depending on host cultivar but may include chlorosis, mottling, mosaic, and crinkling (rugosis) on leaves; necrotic spots on petioles and calyces; and yellowish mottling, brown spots, and rugosis on fruit to make them unmarketable. On capsicum, leaf symptoms are similar; fruits may be deformed with yellow mottling or green stripes. Almost 100% incidence was reported for some outbreaks in tomato, but not every fruit on an infected plant may show symptoms.
ToBRFV (like many tobamoviruses) is seed transmitted and can also be spread by mechanical means, contaminated equipment, as well as with plant or other materials. It is very stable and can remain infectious for months outside a host. Recently, bumblebees, which are used widely as commercial pollinators in glasshouse tomato production, have been shown to be effective vectors of ToBRFV (see link below). Volunteer crop plants and solanaceous weed species are likely pathogen reservoirs. The Tm-22 resistance gene used in some tomato cultivars to protect from other tobamoviruses (such as _Tomato mosaic virus_) does not appear to be effective against ToBRFV. Disease management relies mainly on exclusion but may include phytosanitation (disinfecting tools, removing crop debris) and control of virus reservoirs. Use of certified clean seeds or crop transplants is crucial. Research on possible seed treatments to eliminate the virus is being carried out (see link below). Tomato seeds are traded widely and are known to pose a risk of spreading viruses and other pathogens internationally (e.g., ProMED post 20140122.2222560).
Coinfection of ToBRFV with _Pepino mosaic virus_ (genus _Potexvirus_) and _Tomato spotted wilt virus_ (genus _Orthotospovirus_) have been found in tomato (ProMED posts 20191029.6751082, 20200507.7307615). It is thought that the respective symptoms may have been due to either virus or synergism. Further research is needed to clarify a potential role of ToBRFV in coinfections and to determine whether its presence in coinfections may have led to earlier cases of misdiagnosis and delayed identification of this new virus.
Canada (with provinces):
ToBRFV on tomato: and
ToBRFV symptoms on capsicum: and
Information and characterisation of ToBRFV: (with distribution and host list), (Jordan), (Israel) and via
ToBRFV spread: (new reservoir hosts) and (by pollinators)
Tomato resistance breeding: and
ToBRFV seed treatment:
Recent ToBRFV updates. Europe: (1st report Slovakia, ex Austria) and (1st at seed production and breeding site)
International spread of tobamoviruses by seeds (review):
Virus taxonomy via:
- Mod.DHA]
See Also
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus & bacterial disease, vegetable crops - Spain: (AN) 20221114.8706732
Tomato mottle mosaic virus - Netherlands: 1st rep 20220912.8705545
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - UK: reoccurrence 20220610.8703789
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus, capsicum - Russia ex China: intercept 20220511.8703187
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Syria: 1st rep 20210915.8669375
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Austria, Switzerland: 1st reps 20210811.8585572
Multiple viruses, tomato - India: (MH) 20210705.8495612
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Turkey: (AL) 20210524.8377530
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Italy: (SC) spread 20210309.8235916
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - New Zealand: 1st rep 20210113.8100865
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Italy: (SC) 20201112.7936491
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Africa: 1st rep (Egypt) 20200507.7307615
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Spain: 1st rep (AN) 20200206.6959141
Virus double infection, tomato - Netherlands: (ZH) 20191029.6751082
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - China: 1st rep (SD) 20190903.6654138
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - UK, Turkey: 1st reps 20190722.6580891
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Mexico: alert 20190429.6448297
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Germany: 1st rep (NW) 20190117.6264517
and additional items on tobamoviruses in the archives
More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)
Website: Published: March 17, 2023 |
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