New Zealand
13 April 2022
Tēnā koutou,
Consultation has opened today on an exposure draft of the proposed regulations to support the new Plant Variety Rights (PVR) regime. This consultation also seeks feedback on a proposal to revise the seed quantities required to be provided with a PVR application.
As we informed you in our recent pānui, our colleagues at the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) have also been preparing a public consultation on PVR fees. Cabinet confirmed on Monday that this consultation can now go ahead. To create a seamless consultation process, both consultations will run in parallel and can be accessed on MBIE’s website:
Plant Variety Rights Act 1987 review: consultations on exposure draft of regulations and proposed fees
We would appreciate your feedback during this consultation period. It will help inform final regulations and fee settings in the new PVR regime. The 2 consultations are open for feedback until 5pm, Friday 20 May.
If you have any questions related to the Bill or regulations, please get in touch with our team directly on:
If you have any questions related to the fees review, please get in touch with the IPONZ team directly on:
At any time, you can access information about the PVR review on the MBIE website.
Plant Variety Rights on the MBIE website
Ngā mihi nui
The PVR Act Review team